While self-reflection can help one grow and improve, being overly critical of oneself tend to do more harm than good. What could be done when negativity dominates the dialogue with your inner self? Emily Soo from Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew may point you in the right direction. Look inside the latest release from award-winning author and psychologist Dr. Drew Palacio, and enter to win a personalized book set!
My Review:
Written in rhyme accompanied by evocative illustrations, Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew: The Curious Case of the Two Emily Soos is an empowering and enlightening book about self-discovery, self-reflection, and self-affirmation. Unable to pick the right outfit for a party, Emily loses her patience and throws a shoe at the mirror, only to find a mean and despicable self in the cracked glass, mocking every move she makes. Troubled by the non-stop criticism and ridicule from her double, Emily must figure out a way to get rid of her for good.
Using Emily's reflection in the mirror to symbolize her inner critic, the story warns us about the detrimental effects of excessive negative self-talk on children's self-esteem, well-being and way of thinking. It could lead to stress, anger and even depression. Physical changes and increasing self consciousness during adolescence are likely to cause anxiety over appearance and peer approval. In Emily's case, it is her eagerness to impress her friends at the party that gets her overwhelmed by all the negative thoughts about her look and her behavior.
Through Emily's attempt to outpower her double, the story goes further to suggest how to make self-talks more constructive than critical. Recognizing and focusing on one's strengths and contributions through self-affirmation helps her gain confidence and stay positive, which may in turn broaden her vision and lead her to success.
Revealing and relatable, this is a book that encourages growing minds to discover their self-worth and to stay away from crippling self-doubt.
About the Book:
Ages 4+ | 36 Pages
Publisher: Brandylane Publishers, Inc. | ISBN-13: 9781958754368
With a sigh, she went pacing before a large mirror that stood
Remarking: “Ugh! I’m hideous! None of this looks very good!”
After struggling to find the perfect outfit, Emily Soo dances the night away at a fun party. But when she gets home, her inner voice Emily Two tries to put a damper on her evening.
Confronting our thoughts, fully facing tough emotions, and affirming ourselves can be difficult.
Can Emily Soo find it within herself to squash her Worry and Woe?
Purchase links: Amazon | Bookshop | Barnes and Noble
About the Author:
Drew Palacio grew up in Mendocino County, California. He received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the American School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco and currently practices in Kansas. Clinically, he implores partnership and efforts from local families, schools, and the community. Lastly, Dr. Drew is himself a child a heart, using his love of magic and worldly mystery, whether via comic books, animation, video games, or through the passing daydream, to always stoke his inspiration.
Twelve lucky winners will each receive a prize pack including a personalized hardcover copy of Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew: The Curious Case of the Two Emily Soos and Shrieks and Sounds and Things Abound: The Quiet Wants of Julien J.!
Giveaway ends 11/2. Open to US only. Please enter below. Good luck!
The Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew Book GiveawayDisclosure: This post is sponsored by Dr. Drew Palacio. All views and opinions expressed are my own. icefairy's Treasure Chest is not responsible for winner selection or prize fulfillment.

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