Camp Warner Bros. Starts This Week!
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Camp Warner Bros. Starts This Week!

Summer is officially here! This summer break is bound to be different for many children and their parents. While the kids may not be able to attend a summer camp in person, they can still get entertained at home through a virtual camp like Camp Warner Bros. We are super excited to be invited to the first-ever Camp Warner Bros.

Check out all the camp gear we've got from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. The camp will run for 8 weeks starting 6/22, with each week featuring a kid-friendly movie and themed camp activities. As the newly crowned Camp Director for my three little campers, I will be sharing with you all the fun about our very own #CampWarnerBros. for the weeks to come. Stay tuned!

Disclosure: I received free products to facilitate my posting. All views and opinions expressed are my own.

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