Best Christmas Gift I Received as a Child & Upcoming Walmart Holiday Toyland Events #ChosenByKids
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Best Christmas Gift I Received as a Child & Upcoming Walmart Holiday Toyland Events #ChosenByKids

Toys often top the holiday wishlists of young kids. You can hardly go wrong by gifting a child one hot new toy if you can't think of anything better. Toy gift shopping often brings back memories about the Christmas gifts I received as a child and I'd love to share with you my favorite one.

I didn't really own many toys when I was a little girl. A handed-down toy in good condition was considered "new" and would keep me happy for a long time. Just imagine how excited I was when I received a shining new electric train on Christmas when I was five. Although I don't even remember its brand or exact name, I can easily recall what it looked like and how much I loved playing with it. It was made with tin and nicely painted with bright red, green, yellow, and blue colors. The battery-powered engine made "choo-choo" sounds every few minutes. It ran smoothly on hard floors without tracks and would back up and make a turn whenever it hit an object. It was the one thing I couldn't wait to show off every time we had a house guest.

That toy train constituted a precious part of my childhood memory not only because it was tremendously fun to play with, but also because I knew it was quite a luxury at the time and my parents had been saving for months in order to be able to give me the best gift ever. Now that I am a parent myself, I also want to provide my children with gifts that will make them happy and that will create a memory to last.

To help parents pick the best toy gift for their children, Walmart is hosting its annual Holiday Toyland events in select locations across the country. During these in-store events, you will learn about the most-wanted toys #chosenbykids that fit your budget, while your kids will get hands-on experience with some of the hottest toys of the year and take a photo with their favorite one. I will be taking my kids to the Toyland event on November 8th. Check to see if there is one near you and learn how to participate here.

What was your favorite gift received as a child? Was it a toy or something else? Was it a surprise or on your long awaited list? Did it bear a special meaning for you? Please feel free to join the conversation in the comment section below!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as part of the Walmart Holiday Toyland campaign. All views and opinions expressed are my own and may differ from yours.

13 Treasure Hunters :

Angela Christopher said...

Sweet story! I got a train set for my son when he was 2, and it was so much family fun! We would biuld it together.

Bonnie G said...

The train sounds like a wonderful childhood gift. I can't wait to attend the in store Walmart event. Thanks for sharing.

Kathryn said...

One year my hubby and I set up a train around the tree Christmas morning and had it going when the kids woke up. It was awesome!

Erin S said...

They must have remembered this Christmas too-to be able to provide that! As parents, it is our own joy to see our children make memories on a Christmas morning the way we did

Marysa said...

Brings me back to my childhood! So much fun to get something that you were so excited about :)

LisaLisa said...

I remember my parents buying a train set for my brothers for christmas and wow, the smiles on their faces were Priceless. Great post!!

Southern Mom Loves said...

Great story. I remember getting a toy train set when I was little and it was endlessly fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a great Christmas gift!

Angie B said...

That's awesome. My parents would sometimes put a train set up at Christmas and I used to love watching it go round round. Your train sounded like it would have been lots of fun!

dfraley3 said...

My favorite Christmas toy was a doll about the same height as I was.

An Ordinary Housewife said...

I can't wait to check out the Walmart Toyland! There are so many neat toys out this year!

Kendra said...

I was that same kid with handmedown toys and that was ok, but I loved when I got my own mini kitchen table to play with all my kitchen food with!

Heather Pfingsten said...

Oh my goodness ... a train set. I nearly forgot about the one we had as a child. My dad set it up every year in our basement on a huge table. Thank you for sharing your memories with us!

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