Pretty Little Liars: The Complete First Season on DVD & My Favorite Couple
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Pretty Little Liars: The Complete First Season on DVD & My Favorite Couple

Almost all characters in Pretty Little Liars have their own secrets, some of which involve their unconventional romantic relationships. My favorite couple from Season One has to be Aria (Lucy Hale) & Ezra (Ian Harding), whose relationship has been the longest-lasting of all.

I'm not really fond of teacher student romance, but the Aria-Ezra entanglement is perfectly understandable as they fall in love with each other before they become student and teacher. The great chemistry between the two makes their age difference so trivial and negligible. Lucy and Ian play their roles so well that you can feel the intense attractions between the characters and how close their souls get.

I'm also deeply touched by how brave Aria is in pursuit of her true love and how hard Ezra tries to protect Aria. Ezra appears to be a coward in the initial phase of their relationship, wanting to retreat for fear of ruining his career or Aria's life. But he wins my applause when he refuses to give in to Noel's (Brant Daugherty) blackmail and chooses to resign instead. I'm now fully convinced that this man will do whatever it takes to make sure Aria will not get hurt.

The appearance of Ezra's ex seems to suggest a new challenge to the Aria-Ezra romance in Season 2. I sincerely wish this loving couple can last through the entire series. Go Aria and Ezra!

Pre-order your copy of the Pretty Little Liars Season One on DVD here today:!

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Pretty Little Liars: The Complete First Season on DVD.

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