Giveaways Express on Auto Pilot
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Giveaways Express on Auto Pilot

Have you missed Giveaways Express, my weekly list of hot giveaways? Well, I no longer have the time to enter giveaways as often as I used to. To make things easier for both of us, I now put up this brand new Linky Tools (formerly MckLinky) for you to list your giveaways and discover others around the blogosphere. You may do so any day and any time! I'll try my best to keep the list current and delete the expired ones.

Let's keep the list organized by using the following format:
blog name (optional)-giveaway prize-end date


icefairy's Treasure Chest-iPad ($799) 7/7

Please link directly to your giveaway post rather than your homepage. Entries without end date will be deleted as if they expired. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated!

Thanks for using the Linky and good luck! Don't forget to check out my big list of other Linky sites! Let me know if I've missed yours.

250 Treasure Hunters :

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janetfaye said...


I added your link to my list of Sites To List Your Giveaway:

Lee said...

Added my giveaway but forgot the end date! 7/30 for the notNeutral Melamine Snack set at Your Couture Kid!

Audrey said...

I've added the link to here on my give away blog list!!

Thanks so much for letting my know about your Mr. Linky!!

Felicia said...

Thanks so much for the link!

Sandy S said...

Thanks for the Linky. I love Linkys!
I have a giveaway link on my site. Syop by and list your giveaway!

Lady Mama said...

Hey there! Thanks for correcting my giveaway link! Now I know for next time. :)

Judy Joyce said...

Thanks for letting me put my links here and listing yours on mine! As a newer blogger, I appreciate it!

Emily B said...

Thanks for the linky!

Only Free Stuff Here said...

Thanks for the linky. Everyone is welcome to add their to mine anytime. It's also 24/7.

Anne said...

Thanks so much for this!

Megan said...

Thanks for the linky!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky!

Leslie M. said...

Thanks so much for the Linky!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this!

Midday Escapades - $25 Amazon Gift Card - Ends August 30, 2009

Angie said...

Thanks for the linky! I'm adding it to my Monkey Monday posts!


Frantic Holly said...

Thank you for the linky!

Liz Mays said...

Thanks for the linky! Mine is up on Saturdays so come link tomorrow!

Sandy S said...

Thanks for the permanent linky !!

Felicia said...

Thank you! I have to remember to come back and list.

Rob said...

Thank you for the linky. Check out our Linky every Sunday!!!

Only Free Stuff Here said...

Your site is awesome! I love what you did with the buttons, an now you have your own! I just dropped in to let you know that I exchanged your link for your button:

Have a great week!

Alina said...

OOOPS, forgot to add expirations date of 9/30/09 for the Halloween 18 inch doll dress contest.

Rajee said...

I listed my 11 fabulous giveaways that are going to end soon on September 14th. Please don't miss to enter. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you :)

Felicia said...

Thanks so much!

Liz Mays said...

Thanks for the linky! I'm going to try to keep remembering to add my new ones as I start them.

Nicole Feliciano said...

Thanks for the linky. I do a Friday Recipe swap as my weekly linky. It can also be a post about food or cookbook review etc. As long as it is about food!

Holly said...

Thanks so much for the chance to list my giveaway!

Megan said...

Thanks for the linky!!

Dumb Mom said...

Hey! I'm hosting a contest, not a giveaway, so not sure if you wanted me to enter it here. But, if you don't mind here it is:


Katie said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I really appreciate it!

I am new to blogging so trying to get someone / anyone to enter my contest. LOL

Thank you! :)

Ms D said...

Thanks so much for the linkys!! Have a great day :)

Leslie said...

Thanks for the link! I found you over at Blueviolets!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky!

~ Noelle said...

thank you for the linky!

DIY Crush Blog said...

Thanks for the linky!
Everyone is invited to use my linky:

Just Jennifer said...

Woo! More contests to enter. Here I goooo!

Mommy Kennedy said...

Thank you so much!

Here is my linky if you or your readers would like to post your giveaways!

Nicole Feliciano said...

Thanks for the linky love and Happy Halloween!

Giveaways 4 Mommy said...

Thanks for letting us use your linky. Ladies, you can post your giveaways here too:

Winter Witch said...

Thank you for the Linky

Lindsay said...

I'm so silly, I put the wrong link in for my first entry #213... Would it be possible to delete it? So sorry! Thanks for the linky!

Adaptable Kay said...

Thanks for the Linky!!

Tori {Thoughtfully Simple} said...

Thanks for the linky love!

furygirl3132 said...

Thanks so much for letting me list my giveaways, I hope you will check them all out!


Sarah said...

Thank you for the linky!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!

Susan@What Happened To My House? said...

Thanks for letting me list my giveaway!

Adaptable Kay said...

Thanks for the Linky!

I also have an ongoing Linky that you and your readers are welcome to use:

$uper $avin' Momma said...

Thanks for the Linky & Happy Holidays to All!

Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!

Vicky said...

Hi! I see that you are using MckLinky for your readers' links.
Did you know there is another free tool, easy to use and stable? If you like you can check it out Thanks for the links!

Simply faBOWlous® Blog said...

Thanks for letting us post!

Win: Interchangeable Headbands & Hair Clips

Expires 1-29-10

Simply faBOWlous (Find Us Above)


Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Thanks for the giveaway linky luv!

Feel free to add your giveaways to my ongoing linky

Loopy said...

Ooo! thanks so much for the Mr. Linky!

Jill said...

Thanks so much for the Linky :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for the linky! I have a sunday linky everyone can come link up!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky! I'm also posting up a linky at my blog.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the linky!

Everyone is welcome to link here too:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the link to my giveaway! You have a wonderful site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you will enjoy introducing yourself to Kate Landers Events, LLC, at, and I invite you personally to enter my giveaway at, I think you will love what darling childrens party products and ideas you will find! Thank you kindly

Cascia Talbert said...

Thanks for the link! Please let your readers know that they can link to their giveaways every Monday on Healthy Moms. I've also included a link to your site on our giveaway linky.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the linky!

Everyone is welcome to come link up at mine too

EllieB said...

Thanks for the Linky!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky! I love these things!

The Poppy Place said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share our giveaway!

Baby Lane Bowtique said...

Thank you for the linky to our baby bow giveaway!

Night Owl Mama said...

Thanks for the linky

Kristine said...

thanks for helping me promote my first ever giveaway
A book- Make up The Ultimate Guide by Rae Morris open worldwide 11/05
Many thanks

Daer0n said...

Many thanks for the linky

Scarlet of Moms Wear Your Tees said...

Thanks for the linky! Scarlet MWYT Social Media Marketing

Cascia Talbert said...

Thanks for the link. You and your readers are invited to link up to your giveaways every Monday on Healthy Moms.

I've also included your button on our giveaway linky.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky!
Am now following you on twitter & GFC!


LeeAnn said...

Thanks for the linky! I'm a new follower!

Anonymous said...

thanks! it's my very 1st giveaway!

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Thanks for the linky :)

Smellyann said...

Thanks for the linky... but I can't see it! I'll just post my link here for now (I've got three giveaways going on right now with more coming up soon) and add your button to the bottom of my blog.

Thanks :)

♥ Kathy said...

Thank you!

Coupon Posse' said...

Thanks for the chance to link up our give away. Have a fun 4th of July :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Linky! I am a new follower. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

HSUper Parents said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the linky! Feel free to link up your giveaways on my blog every Friday.

Kristy Pool said...

Thanks a bunch for the linky!:)

audreyscountrycrafts said...

Thanks so much for the linky!
I've added you here:

Please add your give aways to my friday linky here:

mandala said...

Thanks for the linky!

Natalie A. said...

I added you to my list of Giveaway Linky's! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link

Kimberly Walker said...

Great blog... I am now following on GFC and Twitter.
All the best,

FrugalGal said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky!
Tweeting it out!

CornWarmerz said...

Thank you for offering this linky! What a great find!

Sandra said...

Thank you for letting me link my book giveaway. I appreciate it. I saw your link at Simply Stacie's.

Courtney said...

Thank you! Launching my blog with giveaway :) You have a new follower!

Unknown said...

thanks for hosting ;) linked my very first giveaway!
new follower too
Christy, Home♥

Scarlet of Moms Wear Your Tees said...

Thanks for the linky! Please feel free to use my mom blog giveaway linky.

XmasDolly said...

I saw your invitation to use your linky over at One2try, so I popped over because my give-away ends this evening, and I need all the exposure I can get. I was off on vacation all last week, so I didn't have much. Thanks for the invite. Also, I'm your latest follower. have a great evening.

My Wee View said...

Thanks so much for the linky!

I wish I could do this every day,,, I'm just so gosh darn busy,, imagine my day job getting in the way of blogging :)

Thanks again & Happy Blogging,


Cultured Pearl Earrings said...

Thanks! is celebrating summer and will be giving away a beautiful freshwater pearl and diamond pendant to one very lucky person on August 16, 2010. As part of their summer extravaganza will be giving the lucky winner of their "Pearl Giveaway" a 14K gold and diamond pendant with a stunningly lustrous drop shaped freshwater pearl hanging from a 16" long, delicate and feminine 14K gold chain; a real eye catcher for pearl lovers everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky! Mine is up today (Saturday) and every week, thanks for stopping by mine!

Steve said...

Thanks for the linky! Link up at RaffleDog for Sunday Sweeps (we have it open a day early :)

XmasDolly said...

thanks for the linky!

Shannon's Tales of Motherhood said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway linky!

shannpf1977 at yahoo dot com

Kathy said...

Hi! Thanks for the Linky, I've promoted it on my Blog and took a minute to vote for you! Thanks for the awesome blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky. You can find more places to link up, or add your giveaways to my ongoing Ultimate Giveaway List

Honey + Lime said...

The ongoing linky is great, thanks!

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Help me please, I don't see where I'm supposed to post my giveaway!


Lesley said...

thanks for the linky!!! I start a new giveaway linky every Wednesday on my blog

Tracy said...

Thanks so much for the linky!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Thanks for the linky!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky hookup!


My Colleges and Careers said...

Thanks for this awesome linky, you certainly have had a lot of traffic.

Have you entered our iPod Touch giveaway yet?

Multi-Testing Mommy said...

Thank you so much for hosting this!

Please feel free to use my giveaway listings on Mondays:

Lorie said...

Thanks for letting me share my giveaway!!

Amber@Nater Tot said...

Thanks for the linky!

(Single)Mommy said...

Thanks for hosting! I'm now following if you'd like a follow back :)

Rondi said...

Thank you for the linky! I have one as well- feel free to link up your giveaways on my ongoing Giveaway Linky. :)

Reward Chart said...

Thanks a lot !!!

Learning From A to Z is the creator of educational toy products that are embroidered on soft colorful fabric, machine washable, durable, nontoxic, and comply with all Consumer Safety Administration standards ASTM F963-96a and EN 71 so children can have a safe and meaningful hands-on experience.

Free Stuff Online said...

Thanks for the linky!

Shannon's Tales of Motherhood said...

Thanks for the linky!
Shannon Flora

Bridgette said...

Thanks for the link up!!!

Anonymous said...

Linked up, thanks for hosting! New follower too :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! I listed twice, the first one was all weird.

Teresa Thomas Bohannon said...

Thanks for the linky. LadySilk's Regency Romance Revival is the home of the Regency Romance novel A Very Merry Chase.

We feature fun facts and information about the popular historical romance era, the English Regency (early 19th century). There are always free giveaways there for historical and Regency Romance lovers, stylishly beautiful PDFs of Regency Romance era books, plus musical jigsaw puzzles.

We also feature complimentary author interviews that include copies of their books for one lucky winner!

curlie girlie said...

Thanks for the linky!

emmy's closet said...

Thanks so much for the linky!

Of course, I forgot to add the end date..Montly Onesie Stickers from BabyCakes Design Co--ends 3/2 :)

The Organized Shopper said...

Thanks so much!

Keenly Kristin said...


Kristin :)

Susan said...

Added my link for a giveaway. Thanks!

Baby Carriers Guide said...

Thank you very much for the linky!

CostSolutions.Org said...

Thank you for letting us add our giveaway!

Missy said...

Thanks for the linky!

Keenly Kristin said...


Kristin :)

Geeky Me said...

Thanks for the link to my giveaway at Better Than Broke!

Sarafan2 said...

Thanks for the linky.


Gluten Free said...

Thank-you for the linky.
Have a great week.
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Brenda said...

Thank you for the linky.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Thanks for the linky!

rochelhorowitz said...

Thank you for this opportunity to link my giveaway necklace here!

Penny said...

Thank you for the link up!

Lara N. said...

Thank you for letting me link my giveaway!

Cooking Rebel said...

One Nutty Mama (giveaway ends April 15th)
I don't think I used the linky button right. Low entries on my giveaway as well.

Amanda said...

Thanks for the link up! There are only a couple entries for our Yogi Bear DVD giveaway so I am trying to get the word out! Thanks Again, and what a cute blog you have!

rochelhorowitz said...

Thanks for being able to link my giveaway again this week. I will be using the random number generator in picking the winner of these beautiful earrings...

Brianne said...

Thank you so much for the link!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting this link up!

Mommy Goggles said...

Thanks for letting me post my Piggyback Rider giveaway! I forgot to put the end date. 4/07!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link up! And the great list of other link sites

MindySue said...

Thanks so much!

Mimi to Tee and Bee said...

Thank you!

Graphoniac said...

Thanks for the linky!

Melissa Taylor said...


Paula said...

Thanks for hosting!! So glad to find your link-up!

Allison said...

I added a link to Sylvane's Sweet Dreams Nursery Contest and Sweepstakes. Thanks!

Ashley P. said...

thanks for the linky!

Brenda said...

Thank you for the linky. Feel free to use my linky as well if you would like. Every Tuesday.

Ketty said...

Thanks for letting me post my giveaway linky

Misty said...


Ascending Butterfly said...

Thanks for the giveaway linky!

Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

♥ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·

Deb Chitwood said...

Great idea for a giveaway linky! Thanks so much! :) Deb @

Courtney said...

THANKS so much for the link's my 1st giveaway.

Courtney @

Social Media Junkie said...

Thanks for the linky.. I added your linky on my places to link your giveaways every week at Survey Junkie.
Have a great night.

Beautifully Forgiven, Kortney said...

Thanks for the linky!!! Have a great evening!

M.J. Fisher said...

Thanks so much!

A Cooking Bookworm said...

Thanks so much for the linky!

Renee Carver said...

Thanks for the Linky!

Amber K said...

added our first giveaway!

Meagan @ Sunshine and Sippy Cups said...

Thanks for this linky :) I'm doing a giveaway a week for a couple of months, so I'll be back!

Meagan @ Sunshine and Sippy Cups said...

Thanks for this linky :) I'm doing a giveaway a week for a couple of months, so I'll be back!

Alex said...

Hi :) Just wanted to let you know that you've been listed in the Time4Mommy Directory. You can find your link here: If you'd like to add/edit your photo, title or description, just let us know!

Amanda @ Time4Mommy

Amber K said...

Thanks so much!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Thanks! I hope you will follow me too!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the linky.

Doing Things Differently said...

Thanks for the link up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to!

Engagement Rings said...

Thanks for listing this giveaway! Good luck everyone.

Paula said...

Thanks for hosting this linky! I'm always so excited to have a giveaway... now I have 3!!

Chimene said...


Aimee said...

Thanks for the linky!

Kim said...

Thank you for the link. I give away a book every week!

rochelhorowitz said...

Thanks for the link up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much from Enchanted Felts! We host monthly giveaways for our fans :)

Meagan @ Sunshine and Sippy Cups said...

Love this linky, and your site! Thanks :)

Intuitive Goddess said...

Thank You for generously allowing us to post our giveaways!
Not sure if I'm doing this right or I'm supposed to post elsewhere...

Nancy said...

Great site! Thanks! :)

MindySue said...

Thanks so much!

Erin said...

Just linked up my newest giveaway- very low entries! ($50 to Tea Collection

Tasha said...

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Linky!
-Bargain eBook Hunter

Kelsey said...

Thanks so much!

Kelsey ~ PerkyPosy

zakkalife said...

Thanks for letting me link up :)

Carole Arsenault said...

Thanks for hosting our giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thnak you for the linky!

Baguio Girl said...

thanks for hosting this linky! if an $800 giveaway sounds good to you, then head on to:

until July 31 only! thanks!

Tasha said...

Thanks for the linky! I also have an ongoing giveaway linky on my blog, feel free to post your giveaways! Must be open to Canadians as well.

kim said...

thanks for the opportunity!

Owatrol Additives said...

Thought it's done now, I can feel that the people who had won before are so happy to get those award.

Amanda said...

Thanks for the linky!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you for hosting. Have a great week.

SuperSaverMama said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting me list my giveaway!


Misty Kearns said...

Thanks for the linky!

Julie said...

Thanks for the linky!

Heidi Meek said...

WOW that's a ton of links!!! thanks!

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