When you visit a Build-A-Bear Workshop store, you will enter a distinctive teddy bear themed environment consisting of eight stuffed animal-making stations: Choose Me, Hear Me, Stuff Me, Stitch Me, Fluff Me, Dress Me, Name Me and Take Me Home. Shop assistants are readily available to guide you or your child through the process. You may take a quick virtual tour of the shop to find out how it works.

When they found out that I'm a huge fan of plush toys, Build-A-Bear Workshop invited me to try out their new Wild Furry Friend-Owl , and a Summer Adventure Pack filled with a 3-D map, 3-D glasses and a special code that can be used to play the buildabearville.com Scavenger Hunt. The adorable owl furry friend came in his very own Cub Condo carrying case with windows and a door. We love his silky fur and his head that spins all the way around!
Here are some of the nice features of Build-A-Bear Workshop
- You may choose from over 30 varieties of stuffed animals and own one at a highly affordable price ($10- $25)
- You may record a personalized message or select a pre-recordered message to place inside your furry friend
- You get to select a small satin heart–a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark and place it inside your new friend, along with your best wishes.
- You may dress up your furry friend in fashionable clothes and accessories of your choice
- Each furry friend has a cute Cub Condo carrying case, designed as a handy travel carrier and new home.
- The Find-A-Bear ID Program helps you reunite with your furry friend if it's ever lost.
- Each furry friend receives a personalized birth certificate including its name, birth date, and a special code to unlock FREE virtual stuff at Build-A-Bearville--online friend, 2,000 Bear Bills, an extra room and decor and exclusive reward
- FREE Stuff Fur Stuff® Club membership allows you to earn points and redeem them for reward gift certificates.
You can also order your furry friend directly online at http://www.buildabear.com/ and host your own Build-A-Party. You may want to subscribe to their email newsletter for special offers. For instance, now through 9/28, you may use this coupon both online and in store to receive $5 off $10 purchase. Don't miss this great deal!
The super blog friendly people from Build-A-Bear have generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a $25 Bear Buck$ gift card! Besides, I'm throwing in 4 additional Build-A-Bear gifts I received at BlogHer: 1,000 Bear Bills (i.e. $5 off $25 coupon) and 3 Bear Tunes Music downloads ($1 each). There will be a total of 5 winners!
Required Entry: Visit Build-A-Bear Workshop and leave a comment telling me your favorite product from their site. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).
Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
- Use the store locator and tell me how many stores you found in your area (1 extra entry)
- Become a fan of Build-A-Bear Workshop on Facebook (1 extra entry)
- Follow my blog publicly (1 extra entry)
- Subscribe to my feed via email and leave your email address (1 extra entry) .
- Follow Build-A-Bear AND Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
- Enter this giveaway by 10/2 (1 extra entry)
- Become my fan on Facebook and leave your name (1 extra entry)
- Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
- Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (1 extra entry)
- Fave me on Technorati and leave your user name (1 extra entry)
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to Build-A-Bear Workshop and Me, and leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
- Include the following text on your blog Win over $1,000 prizes at icefairy's Treasure Chest and link back (1 extra entry)
Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 10/5/09
Open to US & Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Open to US & Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

456 Treasure Hunters :
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 456 Newer› Newest»I'm in LOVE with the WWF gray wolf because they donate $1 to the wwf fund!
There are three stores in my area.
Im blog follower.
I love the 15in Autumn Hugs Bear.
There is only one store in my area.
following both and tweeted- http://twitter.com/ksh123/status/4316041514
entered the Purex giveaway- http://twitter.com/ksh123/status/4316060746
Technorati- ksh123
I really like the new Owl!
There are 3 stores near me.
I RSS your blog
My favorite thing from the web page was seeing that you can buy a WWF gray wolf. That's a great opportunity to teach kids about the WWF. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow your blog publicly. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I subscribe to your feed via email. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I'm a fan of yours on Facebook. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love the Andean Bear!
I have 3 stores in my area.
My favorite is the 16 inch Husky!
I have 3 stores in my area. :)
I subscribe via email.
I entered by 10/2.
awesome giveaway! my fav item is the 17 inch Hello Kitty for sure!!
one 4 earth at aol dot com
I like the curly lamb for dd.
There are 3 store in my area.
I think my daughter would love "Pawsome Panda."
I really like the 14 inch Kooky Spooky Kitty.
nynekats at aol dot com
fav on Technorati - sjamison
I think my son would have fun building a Galapagos Tortoise or Gator. Cute!
I follow your blog. Thanks!
There are none near me, but 2 near my parents.
I like the owl!
the store locator showed 3 locations but only one is close enough :)
I just love the 19 inch polar bear!
I have three locations that show up, I have only been to the one closest to me. :)
I just love the little chocolate cub bear, so cute!
email subscriber
I love the magnificent monkey
Whoa, there are 3 stores in my area!
There is 2 stores a couple of hours away
Follow your blog publicly
Clicked to enter the Purex Giveaway
Im a follower
I love the dinosaur they have. That would be perfect for my son.
My daughter would love the 14 in. Brown Sugar Puppy. thanks! ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
2 stores within a reasonable distance. It suggested one 78 miles away...
ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
They are all so cute, I really like Bearmy though!
I had three stores show up. It actually listed the farthest one first! Funny!
My favorite is the 17 in. Scruffy Puppy
There was only 1 store in my area and its on Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls
My favorite thing would be the Panda Bear
Theres one in my area (13 miles away) and 2 within 250miles
Following you
BAB facebook fan
subscribe via email
Following on twitter and tweeted
Faved on Technorati -SnKmommy
Jonas the dog, because it looks like our dog and my daughter would love that!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
I love the HSM costume.
It says there are 3 within 20 miles of us
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
I am a subscriber!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
I really love the Magnificient Monkey. His face is just so adorable. Thanks so much.
I'm a follower
I'm an email subscriber.
LOVE: 16 in. Bearemy®
I'd get the 16 in. Hopeful Wishes Teddy. Adorable, and with money going to breast cancer research, I'd feel great about getting it.
abigail.lee {at} gmail.com
My son would like Trekkin' Turtle. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
The lil bunny big ears is too cute!!
There is one store 19 miles away from me
I'm a facebook fan (Heather R-D)
I am following buildabear and you on twitter and tweeted.
i follow your blog publlicly
I do subscribe by email (pennypinchingmama at yahoo)
you are my technorati fave (oldbagvintage)
Your button is on
The Penny-Pinching Mama
I included your giveaway in a blog post about Build-a-Bear:
The Penny-Pinching Mama:Build-A-Bear
i am a fb fan of buildabear!
The Jonas Brothers Dog is on the top of my kids list!!
We have three BAB stores within 30 miles of us, the closest is only 7 miles away, yaay!
I am in love with the Owl!
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
There is one store 7 miles away and 4 more within 50 miles
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
daily tweet
I am in love with Hal the moose. So cute!
Thank you!
There are 3 around me
Thank you!
I am a fan of build a bear on facebook
Thank you!
Thank you!
The Portuguese Water Dog is the cutest thing ever!
I love the Brown Pony. Would make an excellent gift for my grandson.
s_lewis_cdi (at) yahoo *dot* (com)
I love the 16 in. Curly Teddy! They are all just so adorable!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
I found 3 stores in my area!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
I found 3 stores about 2 hours away. One is in Ft. Worth (that's where we go) and two in Grapevine!! :)
I'm a public follower!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
We like the White Tiger
There's only 1 store in my area
I subscribe via email.
s_lewis_cdi (at) yahoo *dot* (com)
I follow you both and tweeted: http://twitter.com/ampaetka/status/4346063835
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
I entered the giveaway before Oct 2!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
I enter before Oct 2
I love all the Hello Kitty items they have. I want a Hello Kitty with all the accessories!
There isn't a BAB in my area but there is one a half hour away from me!
The Owl is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! Look at those feet! Thanks for the chance.
I think that the Harley clothes and accessories are adorable!! My favorite is the Harley Davidson Fringe Top;)
I am an email subscriber
We love the Brown Sugar Puppy..so adorable!
I'm a fan of Build-A-Bear Workshop on facebook!
I'm a fan of Build-A-Bear Workshop on facebook!
I am a blog follower
I follow both of you on Twitter..her5boys480
we like the panda
there are 3 BAB workshops in my area.
There is one store in my area that isn't too far away.
The Blushing Bride Curly Teddy & Groom Bearemy are so adorable!
I have three stores in my area.
I follow your blog publicly.
I subscribe to your feed via email.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted:
I faved you on Technorati: lewales
My granddaughter likes the 16" curly teddy bear
We have 2 Build-A-Bear stores in Nashville, TN
Email subscriber
Blog follower
i think the border collie is adorable
the store locator found 3 stores
build a bear facebook fan
public follower
email subscriber
http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4361367029 tweeted
My favorite is the 16 in. Snazzy Kitty!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
entered tweet the sheet
clarissa masonis neiding is your facebook fan
technoratied you cneiding
Huggable Kuddly Koala
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Michigan Addy Ready
I'd love to win. I like the white tiger best.
i found 3 locations in my area.
The Brown Sugar Puppy is my favorite. Its so cute!
There are 3 store locations in my area.
I am now a follower.
I am now a subscriber to your feed.
mariascott at surry dot net
The 19 in Polar Bear is my favorite. He is just so cute and huggable.
the little owl or any of the bears are really cute! Thanks, Jennie
i love the pawsome panda.
my favorite is the Baby Boy Gift Cuddly Hugs Teddy Blue with a Build-A-Sound® YOU record
the store finder listed 3 stores in my area
daily tweet
I love the 21 in. Clydesdale!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love the Galapagos Tortoise! Thanks!
Brown Sugar Puppy!
love the portuguese water dog
found one store in my area - at the mall!
The 16 in. Cinnamon Swirl Bunny is really sweet!
I am a fan on facebook.
There are 3 stores near me from 17-32 miles.
I love the college themed bears!!! Way too cute! I wish they would add the University of Miami and I would want one but since they do not have that one, I also like lil bunny big ears.
There are 3 stores in my area!
http://clarissaneiding.blogspot.com/2009/09/build-bear-giveaway.html blogged entry 1
http://clarissaneiding.blogspot.com/2009/09/build-bear-giveaway.html blogged entry 2
http://clarissaneiding.blogspot.com/2009/09/build-bear-giveaway.html blogged entry 3
included extra text in blog
I like the 14 in. Patriotic Pup!
I found 3 stores close to us using the store locator!
If I won, I would use it to build a Curly Teddy Bear in an Air Force outfit to help comfort my daughter and to remember her dad whenever he deploys.
I like the owl. My daughter's school mascot is the owl or "pueo" in Hawaiian.
Nancy in HI
I followed and tweeted.
Nancy in HI
I love Bearemy.
I like the Brown Sugar Puppy
There are three stores in area.
lovergirl24 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow on twitter
My niece wants the HSM bear.
Thanks :)
I like the brown sugar puppy
bargainfun1 at yahoo
I have locations near me
I became a fan on facebook smiley_2516
bargainfun1 at yahoo
I would love to make the 14 in. Kooky Spooky Kitty!
I love the WWF Cheetah! So cute!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
daily tweet
Daily tweet. http://twitter.com/ampaetka/status/4404065366
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
There are too many animals to name that I like, such as: The Hopeful Wishes Teddy Bear, Pinks Hearts Teddy, Clydesdale, Hugs Fur You Monkey, Shooting Stars Unicorn, and the Owl (Reminds me of Harry Potter. Several months ago I bought my son the Guitars Rule Lil' Sweet Cream Cub and a little guitar as his Big Brother gift. I need to get an animal now for my little girl who is 2 months old. The gift card would really help.
I am your Facebook Fan :)
I am Build-a-Bear's Facebook Fan.
I tweeted:
I subscribe via e-mail
I'm a facebook fan of Build A Bear
I'm a facebook fan of yours (username- Sonya Sparks
http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4407562317 daily entry
I love their 14 in. Lil' Bunny Big Ears!
There are 3, all within 30 miles of us...and one is very close to us!
I'm a Build-A-Bear Workshop facebook fan! (Annmarie DiPasqua Weeks)
I follow!
I subscribe at annmarieweeks at verizon dot net!
I follow you both on twitter & tweeted! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/4415605429
I entered the Purex Tweet the Sheet giveaway! http://twitter.com/amweeks/status/4415620684
I'm one of your Facebook fans! (Annmarie DiPasqua Weeks)
You're a technorati fave! (amweeks)
My favorite product is probably their donation series, I would love to get my daughter "16 in. Champ - A Champion Fur Kids"
3 locations near me!
Build a Bear fan on FB
I subscribe!
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