Let's Play Giveaway #14: Frecklebox
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Let's Play Giveaway #14: Frecklebox

~~The giveaway is now CLOSED~~
I love personalized gifts because they can make the recipient feel so special and they create memories that might last a lifetime. Frecklebox.com is a nicely designed site committed to delivering unique, high quality personalized gifts for kids. Frecklebox is filled with a wide variety of educational as well as entertaining products, such as personalized books, personalized puzzles, personalized party favors, personalized growth charts and all sorts of personalized school supplies. It only takes a couple quick and easy steps to personalize an item and prominently feature the name of the child who will receive it.

When the founders of Frecklebox kindly invited me to choose any item from their store for review, I was instantly drawn to their brand new personalized lunch boxes. There are so many adorable designs for both boys and girls!

Knowing that my son loves cars and bright colors, I picked this super cool Race Car design with his name printed on the body of the car and on sides of the lunch box. It resembles a cute mini suitcase and my son loves carrying it around the house. Not quite school age yet, my son has creatively turned the lunch box into a treasure box and stuffed it with his favorite toys. Whenever he pointed at the word on the car, I told him that it is his name. I'm sure when he grows older, he'll be thrilled to realize that the box was made exclusively for him!

I'd also like to draw your attention to these one-of-a-kind personalized books. The child who is receiving the book will actually become part of the story. Her name will be camouflaged in different settings. How fascinating! You can easily preview the personalized book by flipping over its pages on the website. The story books come in both soft and hard covers. Frecklebox books are eco-friendly too. They are printed on recycled paper and manufactured in the U.S.

You can purchase any of these beautiful gifts at an affordable price at Frecklebox.com. Or win an item of your choice right here!

The Giveaway

The nice people from Frecklebox have generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a personalized gift of her choice! Isn't that sweet? The winner can choose any item from the site! What a shopping spree!

Required Entry: Visit Frecklebox, and leave a comment telling me which item you'd like to choose if you win. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).

Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
  • Follow my blog publicly (1 extra entry)
  • Subscribe to my feed via email (1 extra entry) and leave your email address.
  • Follow Frecklebox AND Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
RT @luckytoddler @Frecklebox giveaway! Win a personalized gift of your choice! Over 100 choices! http://bit.ly/frbox #giveaway #play #gift
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
  • Grab my button and tell me where to find it (2 extra entries)
  • Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (2 extra entries)
  • Fave me on Technorati and leave your user name (2 extra entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to Frecklebox and Me, and leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 9/15/09
Open to US Residents Only.
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

276 Treasure Hunters :

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Peggy said... 1

I love the Sassy Safari lunchbox,too cute! Thanks

Peggy said... 2

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Peggy said... 3

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Peggy said... 4

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Peggy said... 5

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Peggy said... 6

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Anonymous said... 7

I'd choose the Outer Space Growth Chart. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 8

I follow

Anonymous said... 9

I would pick the Mod Molly journal for Tosha. She likes to do "homework."

Anonymous said... 10

I follow your blog.

Anonymous said... 11

I subscribe to your blog: canwestopthis(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said... 12

You are faved in Technorati: My Technorati Faves

Gigi said... 13

I like the Sweet as Honey lunch box. thanks! ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

Gigi said... 14

I follow your blog. r uth dot gray at gmail dot com

Debbie said... 15

I would choose the Purdy Bird lunchbox!

Debbie said... 16

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Debbie said... 17

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Debbie said... 18

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Debbie said... 19

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MommaM said... 20

I'd choose the ballerina lunchbox as a gift for my niece who is quite the lovely 4 year-old twinkle-toes. shreve_mary@yahoo.com

MommaM said... 21

Blog follower. shreve_mary@yahoo.com

ReggieMann said... 22

If I won I would choose the Happy Birthday Personalized Book

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

ReggieMann said... 23

I Follow your blog publicly

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

Ellen C. said... 24

I like the zoo animals lunchbox. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Luv to Save said... 25

I love the Purdy Bird lunch box

luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 26

I follow you both on twitter and tweeted
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 27

you're also on my blogroll #1
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 28

you're also on my blogroll #2
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 29

I blogged #1
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 30

I blogged #2
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 31

I blogged #3
luvtosave at gmail.com

karenmed409 said... 32

If I won I would choose the Personalized Fire Truck Lunch box


karenmed409 said... 33

Following Frecklebox AND you on Twitter as karenmed409 and tweeted:


Carrie said... 34

I'd get the cute kitty lunchbox

Chrissyb said... 35

I would love to have the Race Car lunch box for my son.


Sylvia said... 36

I would choose the Sassy Safari lunch box

Linda Kish said... 37

I would choose the precious puppy lunchbox

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Cathy said... 38

I can't decide between the When I grow UP personalized book or the Fire Truck personalized lunchbox. Both are great.

CMC said... 39

The Sassy Safari Lunchbox is my favorite!

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

Tracysweetangl said... 40

I like the Race Car lunch box.

CMC said... 41

I follow Frecklebox and you on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway


spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

Sonya Cocherell said... 42

I would choose the girls dreams lunchbox. Thanks!

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said... 43

I'm going to wait to choose as I need to check and find out which niece or nephew has a birthday coming up, I even have great nieces and nephews!! It takes a lot to keep up with them!

DanceAlert At Aol Dot Com

Mysharona said... 44

I'd get the Mod Molly journal.

Blake and Laura said... 45

I like the pink polka dots lunch box.


Blake and Laura said... 46

Follow you and frecklebox on twitter and tweeted



Blake and Laura said... 47



Blake and Laura said... 48



Blake and Laura said... 49

Have your button #1



Blake and Laura said... 50

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Blake and Laura said... 51

On my blogroll #1



Blake and Laura said... 52

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Blake and Laura said... 53

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Blake and Laura said... 54

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Blake and Laura said... 55

Blogged #2



Blake and Laura said... 56

Blogged #3



Abby said... 57

I would pick the puzzle!

ajcmeyer at go dot com

Blake and Laura said... 58

Daily Tweet



Ciara D said... 59

I Love the Bear Hugs Journal :] ciarad2008@hotmail.com

sweepmom said... 60

I would choose the "My Name Is..." book.

Anonymous said... 61

If I won I would get the personalized notebook in Cute Kitty.
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 62

Personalized notebook in the Skulls design is what I would get.
nynekats at aol dot com

adymommy said... 63

I would get the firetruck or cars lunchbox. I would have to flip a coin to pick which one. My son would love both equally.

karenmed409 said... 64

todays tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3733480724

Katrina said... 65

I would love to have the pony and castle growth chart!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Luv to Save said... 66

daily tweet
luvtosave at gmail.com

Lori A. said... 67

I would get the racecar lunch box! My son lost his lunch box before the end of the first week of school and needs a new one. LOL

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Lori A. said... 68

follow publicly

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Lori A. said... 69

follow on twitter and tweeted

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Kim said... 70

I'd love a growth chart!

Kim said... 71

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3738527753

Cindy said... 72

So cute! I'd choose the Sheriff's Academy lunchbox.

cdfunkhouser at gmail dot com

Heidi said... 73

I would choose the Happy Birthday book...looks really cute!!

froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

Jessica Bene said... 74

I would choose the zoo book! So cute!

pinkblankt said... 75

i love the lunchboxes!

dliver316 said... 76

I would probably get the Funky monkey lunchbox...very cute!

kliver5150 at yahoo dot com

dliver316 said... 77

I subscribe to your blog.

kliver5150 at yahoo dot com

dliver316 said... 78

I am a follower.

kliver5150 at yahoo dot com

Blake and Laura said... 79

Daily Tweet



wigget said... 80

i'd get the When I Grow Up Personalized Book

Kim said... 81

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3761618193

Honey Mommy said... 82

I would chose the "My Name is personalized book". My son would love it!

c allen said... 83

i would choose the pink camo lunch box for my daughter if i won. thanks clallen at ntin dot net

Lisa R said... 84

My daughter would love the Zebra Zest she is so into the zebra print, she has a bathing suit, flip flops and a few shirts

Shelley said... 85

I love the personalized books...so neat! I love anything personalized!!

c allen said... 86

subscribed by email, thanks clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 87

i follow publicly, thanks, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said... 88

tweeted and following both on twitter, thanks, http://twitter.com/clallen1971/status/3768019347 clallen at ntin dot net

fancygrlnancy said... 89

I would choose the personalized growth chart. I have been wanting one and these are really cute!!
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 90

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT Com

fancygrlnancy said... 91

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 92

follow both on twitter
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said... 93

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 94

I'd get the "bugs spell" coloring book. very fun.

onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com

karenmed409 said... 95

todays tweet- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3774549944

Blake and Laura said... 96

Daily Tweet



Kim said... 97

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3777671646

fancygrlnancy said... 98

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Jill said... 99

My girls would luv the Cute Kitty Personalized Placemats!

Jill said... 100

I follow both you and Frecklebox on Twitter. Here's my Tweet..


Anonymous said... 101

I would love the My Name Is Personalized Book for my son.


Blake and Laura said... 102

Daily Tweet



RebeccaMom said... 103

I would love the cheetah notebook for my daughter, Amalia!

RebeccaMom said... 104

following you both on twitter and I tweeted! @rebeccaarms

karenmed409 said... 105

tweet- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3799137546


Heather R said... 106

I would get the princess coloring book.


Kim said... 107

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3803172319

Marie said... 108

My daughter would love the Unicorn
Personalized Book.


Marie said... 109

I am a follower.


Marie said... 110

I follow both you and Frecklebox on twitter and I tweeted:



fancygrlnancy said... 111

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Jawan said... 112

My little man would love the FUNKY MONKEY lunchbox!


Blake and Laura said... 113

Daily Tweet



Nancye said... 114

I would choose the Unicorn Personalized Book.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 115


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 116

subscribe via email

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 117

I faved you on Technorati

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 118

I follow Frecklebox and Ice Fairy on Twitter and I Tweeted about this giveaway.


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Confessions of a Mom said... 119

I visited the site and would choose a personalized book, Save the Planet for my soon to be 6 year old. She'd love it.

Confessions of a Mom said... 120

I subscribe via email

Confessions of a Mom said... 121

I follow you publically.

karenmed409 said... 122

tweet for today- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3819358574

Emily said... 123

I like the Goes to the Zoo book. These are so neat!

fancygrlnancy said... 124

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Kim said... 125

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3824942682

Metal Momma said... 126

i like the sweet as honey lunch box

Xenia said... 127

I love the "My Name Is..." personalized book, what a great gift that would be!

Xenia said... 128

I follow your blog.

Xenia said... 129

I'm an email subscriber using the address below.

xpbloch at juno dot com

Xenia said... 130

I follow you both on twitter and tweeted.

Xenia said... 131

I have your button in my right sidebar. #1

Xenia said... 132

I have your button in my right sidebar. #2

Anonymous said... 133

I would chose the 'save the planet' storybook. Awesome! seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said... 134

I follow your blog. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kristy said... 135

I would pick the Pink Polka Dot lunchbox for my daughter, so cute!


Kristy said... 136

Following both and tweeted-


Kristy said... 137

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Kristy said... 138

Email subscriber

Kristy said... 139

Have your button up


Kristy said... 140

Have your button up


Blake and Laura said... 141

Daily Tweet



Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 142

I love the Pink Poodle in
Paris Growth Chart!!

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 143

I am following your awesome blog!

~ Doreen said... 144

Definately the Cool Kitty lunch box! My daughter would love it!

RR said... 145

I would choose a Zoo Animals Personalized Lunch Box for my little one.

Kristy said... 146

I would get the pink camo lunch box!

Laura said... 147

I would choose the Jungle Giraffe growth chart for my niece.

Laura said... 148

I follow your blog publicly.

Laura said... 149

I subscribe to your feed via email.

karenmed409 said... 150

tweet- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3853172430

fancygrlnancy said... 151

bwneyes100 AT hotmail dOT com

bison61 said... 152

I like the Cute Kitty lunch box

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 153

I like the "My Name is..." book. Thank you.


Anonymous said... 154

I follow (mail4rosey)

Anonymous said... 155

I subscribe. Thank you.


karenmed409 said... 156

tweet for today http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3866899194

Kara said... 157

I like the My Name Is Personalized book.


marlena said... 158

I would choose the "Big Sister" book for my daughter as we just found out we are expecting!

marlena said... 159


marlena said... 160


NGS said... 161

I would get Hiphop Howie. Because that just cracks me up. My best friend would read it to her little guy all the time, I know she would. Complete with street.

fancygrlnancy said... 162

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said... 163

I like the Saves the Planet.
jswandrn @ gmail.com

Blake and Laura said... 164

Daily Tweet



The Mom Claire said... 165

The Balarina Lunchbox!! That is soooo cute!!
cle3479 at yahoo dot com

karenmed409 said... 166

tweet- http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3889876119

Kim said... 167

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/3892731572

Coupon Teacher said... 168

I would love the let's go to the zoo book for my nephew!

fancygrlnancy said... 169

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 170

My daugher would love the personalized leopard folder. parodi821 at yahoo dot com

Seni said... 171

My nephew's 1st birthday is coming up and he loves books and animals(Goes wild over Einstein safari movie) so the 'Goes To The Zoo' storybook would be a great gift.

Seni said... 172

I forgot to put my e-mail in!
reflejo-del-alma (@) hotmail (.) com

fancygrlnancy said... 173

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

karenmed409 said... 174

tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3926334908
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Amy said... 175

I know my 6yo ds would love the Rev It Up book, esp. w/ his name in it! Thanks!
mrsthistle at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said... 176

tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3933436525
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Barbara Montag said... 177

This is what I choose - Princess Personalized Coloring Book.
I have a grand who would just LOVE this!

Barbara Montag said... 178

I'm following your blog openly.

Barbara Montag said... 179

I'm following Frecklebox and you at Twitter.
and a daily rt

joeandbridge said... 180

I would like to have the Mod Molly journal (http://www.frecklebox.com/flower-personalized-journal.htm) VERY CUTE! Thanks for the giveaway!
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 181

I follow your blog. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 182

I subscribe to your feed via email. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 183

I follow Frecklebox and you on Twitter and I tweeted your giveaway. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
Twitter id: joeandbridge

Barbara Montag said... 184

Faved you on Technorati.

Barbara Montag said... 185

Entry 2
Faved you on Technorati.

fancygrlnancy said... 186

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said... 187

I would choose the "Hi my name is" book, so cute!


Unknown said... 188

I'm a follower!


Unknown said... 189



Unknown said... 190

I have your button (entry 1)


Unknown said... 191

I have your button (entry 2)


Blake and Laura said... 192




Barbara Montag said... 193

daily rt

Robin @ Blommi said... 194

I would pick the hardcover version of the Unicorn storybook.

Robin @ Blommi said... 195

I follow this blog publicly.

Robin @ Blommi said... 196

I have your button

Robin @ Blommi said... 197

button (entry #2)

karenmed409 said... 198

tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/3956264440

Robin @ Blommi said... 199

Your link is in my blogroll

Robin @ Blommi said... 200

Your link is in my blogroll
http://blog.poorsanta.com (entry #2)

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