- Change and wash bedding every week. Now that we've got Aller-Ease products that provide an allergen filtration layer, we may only need to change every other week.
- Vacuum the carpet daily. It'll be ideal to use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter, but we don't have one now.
- Change clothes when we get home from the outside. We do this for all seasons.
- Change air conditioner filters more frequently.
- De-clutter and clean the rooms more frequently to minimize dust buildups
The Giveaway
Thanks to Aller-Ease and The Motherhood, one of my lucky readers will win an Aller-Ease Protective Bedding Set, including 2 Standard Allergen Barrier Pillows with Washable Covers, 2 Deluxe Zippered Pillow Protectors and a queen size Cotton Mattress Protector! The prize is valued over $100!
This giveaway runs quite differently than my regular giveaways, so please read the rules closely. Be sure to visit the other 9 blogs and enter their giveaways!
Required Entries: Share your tips or tricks to prepare you home for the allergy season in a comment on this post (Note: Comments on my earlier post will automatically be entered in the drawing too).
On and before 9/20/2009, each tip submitted counts as 2 entries and you may enter as many times as the number of tips you generate.
After 9/20/2009, each tip counts as 1 entry and you may enter as many times as the number of tips you generate. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).
Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
- Join the Flip for Fall Circle and leave your tips in a comment with code ITC. See more details here (On and before 9/20/2009, each tip submitted counts as 2 extra entries; After 9/20/2009, each tip counts as 1 extra entry and during both periods you may enter as many times as the number of tips you generate.) They can be the same as what you wrote for the required entries.
- Follow my blog publicly (1 extra entry)
- Subscribe to my feed via email and leave your email address (1 extra entry) .
- Tweet your tips to me (@luckytoddler) with hashtag #FlipforFall (1 extra entry per tweet/tip, unlimited)
- Follow Aller-Ease AND Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
- Become my fan on Facebook and leave your name (1 extra entry)
- Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
- Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (1 extra entry)
- Fave me on Technorati and leave your user name (1 extra entry)
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to Flip for Fall and Me, and leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
- Enter this giveaway (1 extra entry)
Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 9/22/09
Open to US and Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Open to US and Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

287 Treasure Hunters :
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 287 Newer› Newest»I like to wash everything I can, and get the carpets cleaned, and vacuum a lot.
The main thing we do is close the windows and turn on the AC. Not very environmentally friendly, but we are absolutely MISERABLE without doing this!
The main thing we do is close the windows and turn on the AC. Not very environmentally friendly, but we are absolutely MISERABLE without doing this!
I subscribe via email.
I follow both on Twitter and tweeted:
We clean a lot more.The dust and pollen drives us crazy so I vacuum daily.We really can't have the windows open or there is a film of pollen and dust over everything.
We change the air filters in every room three times a year. #1
We change the air filters in every room three times a year. #2
We wash all the bed sheets once a week. #1
We wash all the bed sheets once a week. #2
We vacuum the whole house once a week. #1
We vacuum the whole house once a week. #2
We have an air purifier in the family room. #1
We have an air purifier in the family room. #2
We have an air purifier in the nursery. #1
We have an air purifier in the nursery. #2
We use a mattress cover for each bed. #1
We use a mattress cover for each bed. #2
We use pillow covers for each bed. #1
We use pillow covers for each bed. #1
We dust onces a week. #1
We dust onces a week. #2
im a blog follower.
I joined the MOtherhood Flip For Fall Circle and left several tips with ITC code.
Wash your bed sheets and pillowcases in the hottest water that is safe for the fabric.
In allergic children's bedrooms, it is best to avoid wall-to-wall carpeting. Instead use vinyl (or other "hard" flooring) and a few washable throw rugs.
Fluffy teddy bears and other stuffed animals are dust-catchers. If your child has nasal allergies, keep her bedroom "critter-free"!
all of my family suffer from allergies so i clean the carpets regularly
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
a good thorough cleaning
We do several things, turn off the air conditioner and open the windows - this is when we wash our air conditioner filters. Openening the windows sure does help greatly with our electric bill too.
I signed up to follow you publicly on Google.
There are five of us in our family, and none of us have allergies, so we don't do anything to prepare. I do wash the bedding more often than normal to cut down on dust mites though...
Alicia Webster
follow both on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
technorati favorite
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
fan on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
#2 all of my family suffer from allergies so i clean the carpets regularly
We prepare for the allergy season by checking all house and vacuum filters and replacing them a little more frequently than recommended. Of course it helps to dust regularly too! seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow this blog publicly! seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I run my Rainbow Vacuum as an air purifier. (I know it sounds weird, but it's made for this). I also can't leave our windows open. We also replace our air filter at least once a month (even though we use 3M+ filters).
Bi-weekly, I wash everthing on my kids beds, including all their blankets. I also vacuum their mattresses monthly. Both my sons have allergies and I find this really helps.
We have an air purifier and we turn it on for an hour at night in the front entryway.
We have an air purifier and we turn it on for an hour at night in the front entryway.
At the first sign of an allergy attack, we pop some benadryl (or claritin if it's daytime)
At the first sign of an allergy attack, we pop some benadryl (or claritin if it's daytime)
We also love the new Scotch pet hair remover thing!
We also love the new Scotch pet hair remover thing!
I follow I follw
When the pollen count is high, dry the bedding in the dryer instead of hanging it outside on the clothesline.
we use our air filter con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Always clean your vaccuum! Thanks scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Our house is so completely dusty and it seems to be a losing battle no matter how much I clean and dust! We are all sneezing and itching!!
Rub down your matrress and box spring with alcohol or if you have a steamer, steam them.
Rub down your matrress and box spring with alcohol or if you have a steamer, steam them.
Following your blog also!
Following Aller-Ease AND You on Twitter AND tweeted. http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/4070947878
wow , this is something i know about after years of dealing with allergies and asthma in the home, i have 3 kids and we all suffer, my first tip or suggestion is air conditiong , some say it dries them out, but we wouldnt survive the summer without it, you breathe easier and i have rea that it somehow traps allergens inthe air makes them heavier so they drop to the ground rather than float around, wish i remember were i read that LOL
roswello athotmail dot com
i subscribed
i follow
roswello athotmail dot com
i tweeted
roswelloRT @luckytoddler Share you #FlipforFall tips and win a $100 @AllerEase protective bedding set! http://bit.ly/fliff #giveaway #allergy
In the winter I try to use an air purifier all the time with hepa filter.
We use an artificial tree at Christmas to avoid any allergens from a real one.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
My husband changes the water in our humidifier every day and closely inspects it for mold or mildew.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
We make sure to change the air filter in our ac every 3 months as they suggest.
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #1
We make sure to change the air filter in our ac every 3 months as they suggest.
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #2
Using a vacuum with a Hepa filter has helped us a lot
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #1
Using a vacuum with a Hepa filter has helped us a lot
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #2
I make sure to change the bedding every week and wash it all... and no DOG in bed to my husband's dismay!!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #1
I make sure to change the bedding every week and wash it all... and no DOG in bed to my husband's dismay!!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
Entry #2
I am a subscriber!!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
I change and wash my bedding every week. I'm constantly dusting furniture. Wood floors make it easier than carpeting!
I steam clean all my carpets. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am a subscriber. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
We have an air filter in the bedroom
We have everyone remove their shoes so nothing gets tracked in. I'm terribly allergic to certain types of grass.
nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com
I'm also an email subscriber
nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com
I could use this, I suffer from year-round allergies! I'm allergic to dust, pollen, ragweed and mold. Luckily for my 2 cats, not pet dander!
The main things I do:
Keep windows closed...which can make for a pricey electric bill.
Wash bedding frequently
Wear a dust mask when vacuming
Shower before going to bed
Sorry I just realized I have to leave tips in sep comments!
Keep windows closed...which can make for a pricey electric bill. Entry #2
Wash bedding frequently
Wash bedding frequently
Wear a dust mask when vacuming
Wear a dust mask when vacuming
Shower before going to bed
Shower before going to bed
I am a facebook fan!
Heather R-D
I have your button my blog!
You are a technorati fave!
(username oldbagvintage)
I'm an email subscriber!
pennypinchingmama @ yahoo
I follow this blog publicly!
close the windows turn on the air and try to dust regularly
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I use the heavy duty vacuum bags and change air filters regularly
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Humidifiers, clean out filters, and lysol a lot! My sons have bad allergys!
We order new filters for our air purifiers, and run everything we can through the washer. We also bag up lots and lots for donations to the school's fall rummage sale--less stuff means less dust.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
We alway clean out the medicine cabinets. Getting out all the expired medicine and the old and dried syrups. Also we stock up on benadryll and claritin.
i always get my dog groomed, and while he's at the groomers vaccuum in and around his bed, wash his bedding, etc so that when he gets his winter coat i can keep on top of it
I prepare for allergy season by moving hard-to-move furniture so that I can clean underneath, as in getting rid of dust bunnies.
I follow your blog publically
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We place the matress inside a plastic casing. #1
We place the matress inside a plastic casing. #2
We installed a central vacuum system to make vacuuming more convenient and to reduce the amount of dust re-emitted back into the house.#1
We installed a central vacuum system to make vacuuming more convenient and to reduce the amount of dust re-emitted back into the house.#2
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/4094970213
We use a HEPA air cleaner.
We steam clean all the rugs,and couches
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com
We steam clean all the rugs, and couches #2
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com
I follow both of you on twitter and tweeted
My 09/19/09 entry :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I dust/vacuum off the tops of my kitchen cabinets and wash curtains. #1
I dust/vacuum off the tops of my kitchen cabinets and wash curtains. #2
I follow your blog publicly.
I subscribe to emails.
You are on my blogroll.
I entered the Purex giveaway.
I vacuum but I was told not to vacuum everyday because it will actually stir up more dust. #1
I vacuum but I was told not to vacuum everyday because it will actually stir up more dust. #2
To clean the blinds, I take them outside and use a brush with some cleaner on it and scrub. Then just spray off with the water hose. #1
To clean the blinds, I take them outside and use a brush with some cleaner on it and scrub. Then just spray off with the water hose. #2
facebook fan
We change the filter in our furnace in the fall-entry 1
entry 2 we change the filter in our furnace in the fall
Your on my blog list - right sidebar
technorati fave - anyndavid1987
# 1 I take down all the curtains in the house and wash them
# 2 I take down all the curtains in the house and wash them.
# 1 all winter bedding such as flannel sheets,get washed before they are put on the beds.
I entered the Purex giveaway
# 2 all winter bedding such as flannel sheets, get washed before they are put on the beds
email subscriber
follow blog
Just tweeted for today!
For pet allergies, Allerpet-D (for dogs) and Allerpet-C (for cats) work wonders. :)
Right now we're in the process a deep cleaning the whole house. We also will be changing our air filter the first of Oct.
tweet http://twitter.com/vlbsweeps/status/4113693463
blogged http://vickieb52.blogspot.com/2009/09/enter-flip-fo-fall-giveaway.html
email subscriber vlbsweeps-at-gmail-dot-com
Technorati fave VickieB
Blog roll http://vickieb52.blogspot.com/
I clean the house more frequently and vaccum daily.
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/4114798648
We wash our bedding weekly in 140 degree water!
We wash our bedding weekly in 140 degree water entry 2
I follow your blog
Vacuuming often helps prepare my home for allergy season!
We get our humidifier ready for my son. His allergies just started acting up last night!
We get our humidifier ready for my son. His allergies just started acting up last night!
We buy new filters for the furnace to last the whole winter.
We buy new filters for the furnace to last the whole winter.
I follow you
I follow Allerease and you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/4116536792
I tweeted a tip: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/4116602570
I tweeted a tip: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/4116638191
I faved on technorati: neonfish
As fall is starting to end and it is time to close our house up we start doing a deep clean that is very similar to spring cleaning.
This has always helped drastically with all of our allergies.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I am subscribed via email.
I am a fan on Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I have favored your blog on Technorati as jsc123.
We use an air purifier, it adds a nice noise to sleep to and it cleans the air!
hblaser at gmail dot com
We have a lot of cats (4) so we clean the vaccumm really well so that'll keep up the hard work. We even switched back to a BAG vaccumm. I do not feel that bagless vaccumms truly trap the allergens.
Also, since I just started having allergies I have to wash my blankets a lot more. Recently I have gained a latex allergy and I am mildly allergic to the cats too. :(
I shampoo the carpets every couple months #1
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I shampoo the carpets every couple months #2
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
FB fan-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
tech fave-throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
When dusting, always wear a dust mask!
#1 I dust and vacuum/sweep a lot and keep the TV sets, mirrors, and computer screens clean. abailey_crace@yahoo.com
#21 I dust and vacuum/sweep a lot and keep the TV sets, mirrors, and computer screens clean. abailey_crace@yahoo.com
We change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
A tip for Flip for Fall Cleaning -
1. Invite the fussiest person you know over for dinner (motivation)
2. Wash all the loose rugs in your home in hot water.
3. Reward yourself with an apple martini (motivation)
Can you tell I often need motivation?
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net
We use allergen-barrier mattress covers on all beds, HEPA air filters in the main living space and BRs, and a HEPA bagless vacuum :) We also deep clean all area rugs and upholstered furniture.
I clean the drapes and blinds at the end of the summer to get rid of dbris from open window season
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Geta dehumidifier for your home. You will want to place it in the room where you spend the most time like the living room. I have also found it to be a good idea to place one in the bedroom as well. This will help to ensure that you get the sleep that you need.
keep the windows closed during the day
Place the clothing that you wore that day into a closed laundry bag, or wash them as soon as you get home. The point of doing this is to keep from bringing any additional pollen into the home.
dust your home everyday
Give your pets a good bath if they have been outside.
Stay indoors in the morning hours when pollen counts are at their highest.
Wear a mask while vacuuming or cleaning the house to prevent dust from entering the nostrils.
Wash all bed sheets and pillow cases frequently.
if you smoke, STOP! If you work around smokers, throw a fit and make them stop doing it around you. Second hand smoke is poison to allergy sufferers.
Change your heating and air conditioning filters now
Park your car in the garage so you can go directly into the house without going outside.
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mwflynn63 / at / gmail / dot / com
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We clean all of the vents in the home each fall season!
I tweeted this giveaway
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mwflynn63 / at / gmail / dot / com
tweet http://twitter.com/vlbsweeps/status/4126100411
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#2 Right now we're in the process a deep cleaning the whole house. We also will be changing our air filter the first of Oct.
1 We love decorating for the seasons. One of the ways we keep our seasonal decorations safe and clean is to use totes. The Rubbermaid 21 gallon holiday totes and 22 gallon totes with the high lids are just the right size for most of our stuff (and stackable). They're easy to clean as well
2 We love decorating for the seasons. One of the ways we keep our seasonal decorations safe and clean is to use totes. The Rubbermaid 21 gallon holiday totes and 22 gallon totes with the high lids are just the right size for most of our stuff (and stackable). They're easy to clean as well
1 Now is the time I'll take my Teddies that can be safely put in the dryer and run them on fluff to remove the dust
I added your button to my blog
2 Now is the time I'll take my Teddies that can be safely put in the dryer and run them on fluff to remove the dust
I like to wash everything in hot water
grab ur button
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