"It's coming." My husband sighed.
I know, I know, it's this time of the year again--watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat, and occasional headache. Allergy attacks! Current threat level: orange.
But don't worry, honey. There are things we can do to alleviate your sufferings.

Do allergies frequently pester you or anyone in your family? Do you have any tips or tricks for preparing your home for the allergy season and keeping allergens under control? If so, we want to hear from you! The Motherhood and Aller-Ease, the leading manufacturer of protective bedding, are inviting you to join the Flip for Fall Challenge. To my great excitement, I've been chosen as one of the 10 mom bloggers for the Flip for Fall campaign. For the next two weeks, each of us will be sharing our videos and tips for allergy relief, reviewing and giving away awesome Aller-Ease products. But the campaign can't be successful without your participation!

We need your help to build the "Ultimate Flip for Fall Checklist", which will be used in an upcoming Aller-Ease media campaign. Those whose tips make it onto the final checklist will each receive an thank-you gift basket from Aller-Ease (consisting of 1 pillow, 2 pillow covers and 1 queen cotton mattress protector). The blogger who generates the most activity will be able to give away a bigger gift basket (as pictured above) to her readers. Together, we can make this happen!
Here's how you can be eligible to win selected Aller-Ease products:
Step I: Join The Motherhood Flip for Fall Circle. The Motherhood is a great online community for moms. You'd love being a member even not for this contest.
Step II: Share your tips or tricks to prepare you home for the allergy season by leaving a comment in the Circle. Please include code "ITC" in your comment to indicate that you're sent by my blog. Comments without a proper code will not count.
Deadline for submission: Sunday, September 20, 2009.
In the meantime, you can tweet your tips or tricks to me (@luckytoddler) with hashtag #FlipforFall, blog about this great campaign, or comment on this post. Each activity you complete as part of the Flip for Fall Challenge will count as an entry into the upcoming gift basket giveaway on my blog (giveaway is up here). There are no limits to how many tips you provide. Why not start posting and tweeting right away and stay ahead of the game?
Don't forget to visit the other 9 mom bloggers on the team for more great tips and extra chances to win great Aller-Ease products!
Angie @ My Four Monkeys
Caryn @ Rockin Mama
Dianne @ Something Snappy
Kimberly @ Pretty Pink Momma
Robyn @ Robyn's Online World
Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy
Stephanie @ And Twins Make 5
Tonya @ A Family Completed
Whitney @ It's Gravy, Baby
Huge thanks to Aller-Ease, The Motherhood, and Mom Bloggers Club for this wonderful opportunity!

9 Treasure Hunters :
I signed up for the Motherhood Flip for Fall circle as allysmama!
Put a comment on the circle and used the ITC!
tweeted http://twitter.com/sleatham1/status/4029184348
ITC Try changing linens twice per week...washing them in hot water, and keep dust out of the sufferer's room...It helps a little.
tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/statuses/4042369301
I joined the MOtherhood Flip For Fall Circle.
id: projecthope7
cathy b
projecthope7 at gmail dot com
I tweeted you that I left a tip on the circle.
cathy b
projecthope7 is id
projecthope7 at gmail d ot com
I left a tip in the circle using code ITC.
cathy b
projecthope7 at gmail dot com
I joined the Motherhood Flip For Fall Circle and left several tips with ITC code.
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