Why Choose Term Life Insurance Quotes Over Whole Life Insurance?
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Why Choose Term Life Insurance Quotes Over Whole Life Insurance?

Find out what the difference is and why you should choose term life insurance quotes.

Buying life insurance at a young age is highly beneficial for you and your loved ones. It can be easier to get approved for a policy, it can cost less, and you never know when something may happen to you. There are two different options for life insurance — whole and term. As a young person trying to navigate through the purchasing process, it can become confusing to decide which one is right for you and your lifestyle. We will break down what whole life insurance and term life insurance are and explain why choosing term life insurance could be the route for you.

Defining Term and Whole Life Insurance and Explaining Why You Should Choose Term Life Insurance Quotes

What Is Term Life Insurance?

If you decide to choose a term life insurance quote, that means your coverage will be the most affordable and straightforward. Term life insurance will allow you to have the best coverage possible within your price range. Because of its low cost and simplicity, it is usually the best choice for most people. In the event of your death, it will act as an income replacement for your family. The insurance guarantees financial protection for your family over a specific period of time, also known as the term. If you pass away before the term ends, your family or beneficiary will receive a tax-free lump sum of money.

Most of the time, these policies last from 10 to 30 years. The policyholder pays a monthly or annual bill for the insurance, which is determined by your age, health, and other demographic information. If you decide to purchase a term life policy while at 25 years old, you could be paying as little as $13 a month.

What Is Whole Life Insurance?

Whole life insurance is a little more complex than term life insurance and usually costs more. Because of the higher cost, it does have additional benefits. Its most well-known benefit is known as permanent life insurance, which covers you until you die. You are also able to use the cash-value account to tap into at a later age. This cash value grows slowly over time in a tax-deferred account, which means you will not pay taxes on its gains while they are accumulating.

As mentioned above, you can retrieve the cash value against the account or surrender the policy for cash. If you do not repay the policy loans with interest, your death benefit will reduce. If you decide to abandon the entire policy for the money, this means you will no longer have coverage. Some of the whole life policies have earned annual dividends as well, but these are not guaranteed.

Why Choose a Term Life Insurance Quote?

While you are researching for a policy to purchase at a young age, choosing a term life insurance quote is most likely the way to go. Term life insurance is usually much cheaper because you are not paying for the investment portion of a whole life insurance policy. In most cases, it is more beneficial to take the money you saved from choosing the term life insurance quote over the whole life insurance policy and investing that money in the stock market.

The significant difference between the two is this investment portion, but life insurance’s purpose is not investing. It should cover your family financially in case of an unexpected death, which term life insurance does for cheaper.

Ultimately, the choice is up to the policyholder but choosing the term life insurance quote is almost always the best route. Fabric Life Insurance can provide you with free term life insurance quotes in as little as 10 minutes. They make the insurance jargon easy to understand for busy, young adults searching for affordable life insurance. Get started with your free quote from their app or online.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored guest post in partnership with Responsival. Contents were provided by the sponsor.

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