Seat Belt Safety & $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #KidsBuckleUp
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Seat Belt Safety & $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #KidsBuckleUp

Seat belt saves lives. Do you always make sure everyone has buckled up before your start the car? It's especially important for kids who are old enough to buckle up by themselves. Learn more about seat belt safety for tweens and enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card courtesy of Bloggin' Mamas!

#KidsBuckleUp $100 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway

Blog­gin’ Mamas would like to sup­port the Ad Coun­cil and The U.S. Depart­ment of Transportation’s National High­way Traf­fic Safety Admin­is­tra­tion (NHTSA) with pro­mot­ing the Seat Belt Safety cam­paign, which asks par­ents of chil­dren ages 8–14 to make sure their kids are con­sis­tently and prop­erly wear­ing their seat belt every time they get in the car.

Par­ent­ing a tween involves com­pro­mise. But here’s one rule that should not be up for debate – the car doesn’t move until every­one is wear­ing a seat belt. If you say it, and if par­ents buckle up them­selves, your tween will buckle up. And if they don’t, that’s a fight worth hav­ing. It might just save your tween’s life.

Did you know that one child pas­sen­ger age 8 – 14 is injured every 8 min­utes in a car crash? From 2009 – 2013, 1,522 kids ages 8–14 died in car, SUV and van crashes. Of those who died, almost half were unbelted. As chil­dren get older they’re some­times less likely to buckle up. The per­cent­age of child pas­sen­gers who die while rid­ing unre­strained gen­er­ally increases with age and is most pro­nounced among 13 and 14-year-olds regard­less of seat­ing position.

Check out this Battlefiled MiniVan Video:

Buckling-up is an important habit to instill in children at a young age. Parents can lead by example by wearing a seat belt themselves and by insisting on seat belt use for every passenger in their vehicle. Seat belts and safety seats, if used correctly, dramatically reduce the risk of fatality or injury to children.

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One lucky win­ner will receive a $100 Ama­zon Gift Card!

Give­away Ends: 5/7/15. Open to US 18+ only. Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. icefairy's Treasure Chest is not responsible for winner selection or prize fulfillment.

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