Potty Training Tips from Pampers, #PampersEasyUps Twitter Party & Prize Pack Giveaway ($50 AMEX Gift Card & More)!
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Potty Training Tips from Pampers, #PampersEasyUps Twitter Party & Prize Pack Giveaway ($50 AMEX Gift Card & More)!

Do you have a toddler who needs to be potty trained before starting preschool, and who has shown signs of readiness? Now you have the perfect weather and timing to get started. While potty training is an important stage that every child needs to get through, it can be very challenging at times, especially considering the inevitable accidents and the messes they will create. Pampers, the leading brand of diapers and training pants, has therefore teamed up with potty training expert Dr. Laura Jana, to suggest tips and tools that you may use to make the process less stressful for both you and your child.

Here are a few tips that I find most useful based on my own experience:

1. Patience is the best policy. As with any aspect of child care, patience is a parent's key to success. No matter how eager your toddler is to put in a big child's underwear, the transition cannot be accomplished overnight. It takes a lot of time and practice to master this gigantic milestone of childhood. Being patient also means to always side with your child during the learning process and allow for accidents and mistakes.

2. Have the right supplies on hand. You can significantly boost your child's potty success if you are equipped with such great tools as Pampers Easy Ups training pants, a well-fitted potty ring and a sturdy step stool, which may also add fun to potty time. Pampers Easy Ups makes the diaper-to-underwear transition smoother by allowing potty-training toddlers to get out of diapers and wear something with more of an underwear-like design that still helps keep accidental messes off clothing, bedding and other surfaces whether they happen at home, on-the-go or overnight.

Seeing their favorite cartoon characters like Dora and Thomas Train helps increase children's interest in wearing Pampers training pants and in going potty. Pampers Easy Ups are more absorbent and have fewer leaks than the other leading training pant. With up to 12 hours of protection for both day and night, Pampers Easy Ups give parents the peace of mind that their children will stay dry and comfortable as they learn to go potty on their own.

3. Celebrate success and stay calm over accidents. Young children need encouragement and reassurance to build up confidence, which will in turn help them achieve success. My toddler always cheers with big claps when he manages to use the toilet himself with the help of the step stool. I love to celebrate his success with hugs, kisses, and praises, which makes him feel proud of his "big boy" move. When accidents happen, I just help him clean up and encourage him to do better next time.

4. Take a personalized approach. Every child is different. As the person who knows your child best, you're to decide which approach is best based on your child's personality and preferences. I now know exactly when my toddler needs to go by observing his facial expressions and body language and offer friendly reminders when he seems to be too absorbed in playing. I also notice that having a sibling helps expedite the training process, as the younger one is eager to do things the way his big brother does. If your toddler loves reading. You can help her get ready for potty by reading fun and engaging children’s books about potty training, such as Its You and Me Against the Pee…and the Poop, Too!.

Please join @Pampers on April 21st from 9-10pm EST as they host a #PampersEasyUps Twitter Party with Dr. Laura Jana, pediatrician, award-winning parenting book author and potty training expert who co-authored Its You and Me Against the Pee…and the Poop, Too!. Dr. Jana will be sharing her tips to help simplify and improve the potty training experience for little ones and their parents. Please RSVP here for your chance to win awesome Pamper prizes!

The Giveaway
Pampers has generously offered to give one of my lucky readers an awesome potty training kit, which includes a pack of Pampers Easy Ups (in gender and size of winner's choice), a Little Looster Step Stool, a Potty Ring, a "It's You and Me against the Pee... and Poop too!" book and a $50 American Express gift card! Enter to win through the form below. Good luck!

Disclosure: This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.

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