Winners and My Vacation
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Winners and My Vacation

I've got quite a few winners to announce today. Ready, steady, go--

Dinosaur Train DVD: Rachel (comment #91)
Dean's Dip Prize Pack #1: Angela (comment #24)
Master Lock BTS Prize Pack: Kim (comment #73)
$25 Walmart Gift Card: Sunny (comment #321)

Congratulations! All winners have been notified by email. Please respond with your shipping info in a timely manner. As always, thank you to all who have been entering, following and voting for me!

I'll be taking my late summer vacation starting now through Labor Day. You probably won't see me blog, tweet or Facebook much for the rest of the week. I'll try my best to respond to emails on a daily basis. Please keep entering all my open giveaways while I'm gone. I'll post winners and new giveaways when I get back. Wish all of you a very happy Labor Day weekend!

1 Treasure Hunters :

lfhpueblo said... 1

Have a nice little vacation. Enjoy yourself and be safe.
God Bless.

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