The experience of neglect or mistreatment can be very hurtful, especially for those who once had a taste of love. Pets are no exception. Learn more about The Triumphant Tails of Rescue Dogs: Punk's Plight and enter to win a signed copy!
About the Book:
Book Title: The Triumphant Tails of Rescue Dogs: Punk's Plight by Dr. Hope A. Walter, EdD
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 5-12), 38 pages
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Publisher: Mascot
Release date: Aug, 2021
Tour dates: Aug 23 to Sep 10, 2021
Content Rating: G.
This is not just another book about a dog! Meet Punk, an eight-year-old petite English Bulldog. Her life appears great right now, but it wasn't always that way. Join Punk as she recounts her story of neglect, her rescue and recovery, and her journey of learning to trust and heal again. Punk's Plight is meant to help educators, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and allies of children teach children about the difficult topic of neglect. Punk teaches that neglect may change you forever, but it does not have to stop you from living your best life.
My Review:
Based on a true story, the book follows the unusual journey of a cute bulldog nicknamed Punk, short for Pumpkin. Using Punk as the first person narrator, the story brings the readers closer to what she has to go through over the years and let them feel how she feels at different stages of her life. It's heartbreaking and disturbing at first, but heartwarming and comforting in the end.
Punk's first family stopped loving and taking care of her as she grows older. As a result, her health deteriorates and she starts to lose hope in life. Her misery finally comes to an end when she gets spotted by Xavier, who takes her back to the rescue and recovery ranch he runs for neglected and abused animals. He not only helps Punk get better, but also finds her a new family, where she learns to love and trust again.
Featuring soft colors and realistic images, the book does a wonderful job of showing Punk's facial expressions, which accurately reflect her feelings at the time. The text repeatedly draws our attention to the detrimental effects of neglect on animals and children alike, both physical and psychological. Healing can be challenging and may take a really long time. Special sections are included in the book to encourage children undergoing neglect and abuse to seek help, urge people around such children to step up to offer help, and to suggest ways in which adults can foster positive childhood experience. Punk's story implies that love is not about chanting I love you a thousand times a day, and is so much more than hugs and kisses. Love entails care, commitment, and responsibility!
Buy the Book: Amazon | B&N | Mascot Books
About the Author:
Hope A. Walter, Ed. D grew up in East Greenville, Pennsylvania. After graduating from Upper Perkiomen High School, Hope received her B.S. in Elementary Education at Kutztown University in 1996, her M.S. in Educational Psychology in 2002 from the University of Las Vegas in Nevada, and her Ed.D in Educational Leadership in 2018. Currently, Hope resides in McMinnville, Oregon with her husband of 25 years, her 3 boys, and her 2 dogs and 2 cats. She works as an adjunct professor at Linfield University and Oregon State University teaching mathematics education and educational psychology to future teachers.
Punk’s Plight was conceptualized after teaching future teachers about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Hope saw the connection between ACES and the journey of her own bulldog, Pumpkin, who was neglected, rescued, and spent the rest of her life learning how to trust and love again. Sadly, Pumpkin passed away peacefully in November 2020 after a long life with the Walter family. Hope wants Punk’s story to help children suffering from neglect by showing children they can recover, heal, and prosper despite experiencing neglect.
Connect with the author: Website | Facebook | Instagram
One lucky reader will win a signed copy of The Triumphant Tails of Rescue Dogs: Punk's Plight!
Giveaway ends 9/17. Open to US only. Please enter below and good luck!
TRIUMPHANT TAILS OF RESCUE DOGS: Punk's Plight Book Tour GiveawayDisclosure: I received a free copy of the book to facilitate my honest review. All views and opinions expressed are my own. icefairy's Treasure Chest is not responsible for winner selection or prize fulfillment.

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