I've got some exciting news for LEGO fans! Now there is a Netflix like subscription program dedicated to LEGO lovers! It's called Pleygo. Each month, you can rent, play, and exchange sets of LEGOs for unlimited times. Shipping is always free both ways and sets are sanitized when returned. Pleygo provides a convenient, quick, and inexpensive solution for relieving clutter at home and saves you both space and money. Co-Founded by influential parenting blogger and creator of A-List mom Elina Furman, Plegyo is the perfect way to supply your child with endless fun with creative play.
Subscription starts at $15. You can choose from three plans, which offers LEGO sets in different sizes and levels of complexity. Customers may receive account credits for sets and mixed bricks that they donate to Pleygo. For a limited time, you can test drive the program for free for one full month.
Start your First Month Free here. Have fun building!
Disclosure: I will receive free product to facilitate my honest review. No monetary exchange took place.

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