Welcome to the Back2School Bash!
Hosted by Andersons Angels, MomVantage, Mommy of One and Counting & Joy of Momma Joyner.
Hosted by Andersons Angels, MomVantage, Mommy of One and Counting & Joy of Momma Joyner.
This Event features everything under the sun you’ll need to send your kiddos Back to School! Each participating blog is offering a prize package valued over $25. Plus, there is a Grand Prize of $30 PayPal Cash! Enter for your chance to win on any of the hosting blogs listed above.
After entering my giveaway, be sure to visit the other blogs on the linky (toward the end of this post) for more chances to win! All giveaways for this event will end on August 10th. Good luck!
My Giveaway
I'm giving away an awesome Captain McFinn and Friends Prize Pack valued at $45.95!It includes all 3 books in the series:
The Legend of Captain McFinn and Friends ($9.99),
Captain McFinn and Friends Meet Coral Rose ($9.99),
Captain McFinn and Friends Rock! ($9.99),
1 Captain McFinn and Friends "Finn-tastic" Activity and Sticker Book ($5.99), and
1 sing-a-long music CD Captain McFinn and Friends "Come Along With The Friend-Ship Band."($9.99)
Created by Phyllis Cafaro, Capatin McFinn and Friends is an original, engaging, and educational book series designed to promote friendship and kindness for children ages 4-8. The first book follows Captain McFinn, a black tip shark, as he transforms, with the help of his Undersea Friends, from the biggest bully on Sandy Dusty Reef to the leader and protector of the community. Each subsequent book introduces a new adventure in which Captain McFinn and his friends make great achievements through helping and caring for each other.
"Be a Buddy, Not a Bully" is the underlying theme of the series. I was shocked to learn from the National Association of Elementary School Principals that about 18 million children in the U.S. are being bullied each year and that negative feelings from being bullied account for 3 million student absences each month. The stories of Captain McFinn and Friends are to educate young kids about anti-bullying and to initiate positive changes in the way children interact with one another.
The books are beautifully illustrated and printed on high quality, sturdy paper. The stories are fun to read and easy to follow. The messages are sent loud and clear, making the little readers aware of what's right and what's not. They are great for kids and parents to read and discuss together. Older kids may also enjoy reading on their own.
My son really loves the Activity Book, which includes coloring pages, fun games like connect-the-dots, mazes, word searches etc., and colorful stickers featuring Captain McFinn and his friends! It keeps him busy for hours!
The music CD features 14 songs written by award winning songwriter Terry Sampson, whose other work include Angelina Ballerina and Winnie The Pooh. The songs are cheerful and upbeat, great to dance to or sign-a-long with. They are the perfect background music for reading the Captain McFinn and Friends stories!
You can order the entire series at the CaptainMcFinn.com as well as at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. A portion of the proceeds from sales will benefit the Captain McFinn Foundation, which supports a variety of children's charities.
If you're a K-3 teacher, you may want to check out Captain McFinn's S.H.A.R.K. (Students Help Achieve Respect and Kindness) Patrol, which offers educators, students and parents anti-bully tools, such as storybooks, lesson plans, puppets, posters and more. The goal of the program is to educate K-3 students how to recognize bullying, to protect themselves and others against it, and to prevent bullying by reinforcing positive behavior.
Please use the Rafflecopter form below to submit your entries. A few things to note:
*You must enable JavaScript to see the widget and it may load a bit slower than the rest of the webpage. Thank you for your patience!
*Please make sure you fill in the "Extra info" field in the form as instructed. I moderate all entries and only valid ones will count in the drawing.
* Comments are for feedbacks, questions, etc. but NOT for entries unless otherwise indicated. Thank you for following the rules and making things easier for all of us!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I received free products to facilitate my honest review. No monetary exchange took place. All views and opinions expressed are my own. Andersons Angels, MomVantage, Mommy of One and Counting, Joy of Momma Joyner and the Back2School Bash bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that fail to fulfill their prizes.

11 Treasure Hunters :
I teach my daughter to turn away from a bully and find somewhere else to be. She is also assertive enough to stand up for herself if needed.
I teach my children to tell someone if anyone does anything to them that hurts them or makes them uncomfortable!
I teach them to walk away and get help immediately and to also, treat others as they would like to be treated :)
I'm pretty overprotective and sometimes am afraid I give him too much defense without a chance to help himself. I set boundaries for behavior with other kids for what's okay and what's not (and I'm NOT afraid to tell another kid to settle down or stand up against my Sprite. It takes a village.), so not only is he protected from bullying, but also prevented from bullying others.
I homeschool them and keep them close by
I tried teaching them to walk away and let the teacher know, but since nothing was ever done to help my son I pulled him and now will be homeschooling
Teach them hurting other people with words or fists still hurt.
My boys are both under 5 and right now they only socialize with kids at church and at our gym childcare so things like that are really watch in such small groups. Right now we are teaching my 4 year old not to join in if someone is acting "ugly" which a lot of his kids do (the doing what everyone is doing). We tell him if he sees anyone being mean to anyone, especially him, to go talk to a teacher privately and to tell us when he gets home. We ask him how things went and always check up on any thing he tells us.
I tell my daughter to stand up to a bully because they really are cowards anyways and not act scared. That's what they want - and if she can't handle it, have her toughie friend stick up for her. Bullying only works if you allow it to happen.
My daughter starts school this year. I tried to teach her that not everyone is nice and if someone is mean to you to tell her teacher and to tell me
Our school implemented the OLWEUS anti-bullying program and I was the parent volunteer.
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