Pretty Little Liars: The Complete Second Season on DVD Now
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Pretty Little Liars: The Complete Second Season on DVD Now

Pretty Little Liars is one of the few shows that I've been avidly following since the very beginning. I love to discuss each episode with my friends after it's aired. Do you think yourself as the ultimate Pretty Little Liars fan? Have you played the "Find The Pretty Little Lies" online game created exclusively for PLL fans? The winner of the game will not only get ultimate bragging rights, but will walk away with a Heather Belle purse/handbag. Don't miss out!

Need a memory refresher in order to win the game? Grab a copy of the Season 2 DVD, which was officially released on June 5th.

Did you watch the Season 3 premiere of Pretty Little Liars last night? What do you think? Feel free to share your opinion below.

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Pretty Little Liars.

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