The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD & Red John's Mole
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The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD & Red John's Mole

One of Patrick Jane's major missions in Season 3 of The Mentalist was to find out Red John's mole within the CBI. After watching the season finale, we already knew that it was Craig O'Laughlin. But before the big reveal, had you ever suspected someone else as the mole?

Throughout Season 3, the show kept us guessing who the real mole was. Clues pointed to more than one suspects. Bertram, LaRoche and Rigsby all looked suspicious at some point in the show. But as a fan of suspense and mystery stories, I knew the correct answer wouldn't be given away easily (Like in Pretty Little Liars, we were proven wrong every time we thought we were getting close to finding out who "A" is). I wasn't very surprised that O'Laughlin turned out to be the bad guy, but I couldn't help feeling sad for Grace Van Pelt.

Had anyone of you thought O'Laughlin was the mole before everything became apparent? Any clues that I may have overlooked?

Order your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today:!

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.

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