The 28th Annual National Night Out (NNO) is coming up on August 2nd. To make it easy to plan a neighborhood get-together, WhitePages has partnered with the NNO and launched WhitePages Neighbors, a new FREE Block Party organizer and contact lookup product to help find the names and contact information for neighbors to promote neighborhood spirit, community partnerships and local safety.
WhitePages Neighbors offers the first neighborhood satellite aerial map of U.S. household contact information, including first and last name, mailing address, associated household members, and phone number to help neighbors more effectively get in touch. The innovative Block Party Invite and RSVP system offered through WhitePages Neighbors allows you to organize a blog party with a few clicks without having to worry about tracking down neighbor’s names and contact information by sending personalized postcard invites via the U.S. Postal Service for free. WhitePages and NNO hope people will use the blog party planning tool to foster relationships that lead to effective neighborhood watch initiatives that promote local safety.
To use the new product, visitors go to WhitePages, look for the “Address & Neighbors” tab and enter their own address and the results will populate with the name, address, phone number, etc. of their immediate neighbors. Should they want to expand their search beyond their own block, they can enter another address and start searching. WhitePages Neighbors also makes it easy for people to claim, edit and publish their contact information, control settings to let people know the best way to reach them or make their contact information private. You may watched the embedded video for a demo of how it works.
The Giveaway
To help raise awareness of this new product, WhitePages has generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a $100 Visa Gift Card! The winner can use it to host a block party and socialize with her neighbors!Please use the Rafflecopter form below to submit your entries. A few things to note:
*You must enable JavaScript to see the widget and it may load a bit slower than the rest of the webpage. Thank you for your patience!
*Please make sure you fill in the "Extra info" field in the form as instructed. I moderate all entries and only valid ones will count in the drawing. If you submit an empty form by accident, you can fill out the form again. I'll delete the incorrect entries.
* Comments are for feedbacks, questions, etc. but NOT for entries unless otherwise indicated. Thank you for following the rules and making things easier for all of us!
Disclosure: I was not compensated in any form for writing this post. The prize will be sent directly to the winner by WhitePages.
2 Treasure Hunters :
I entered using my personal email address, here is the one I will be using for the rest of the entries
I would definitely use White Pages to help plan play dates. I work full time so it would take a lot of the hassle out of it.
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