Pretty Neat Review & Giveaway ($250+ in Prizes)!
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Pretty Neat Review & Giveaway ($250+ in Prizes)!

~~The giveaway is now closed. Congrats to winner Allison!~~
It is my wish to keep my home spotlessly clean and meticulously organized, but it's been quite a challenge to keep everything well in place with a toddler playing around. It made me feel frustrated at times about not being able to achieve what I wish. I'm so glad to have read this enlightening new book called Pretty Neat: The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized & Let Go of Perfection, which shows me how to increase efficiency and be happy with being imperfectly organized. The book is coauthored by Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch, the creators of buttoned up organizational products.

Written in an easy-to-read, conversational style, Pretty Neat offers tons of practical tips for tackling common organizational challenges that busy moms have to face on a daily basis: clutter at home, toy tsunamis, inbox overload, meal preparation and more. It includes interviews of real moms who have developed their own systems of organization to save time and sanity while having to juggle between work, family, and the hustle and bustle of life. The tips or tricks presented in the book are easy to follow and can help you keep clutter under control without being stressed out.

My favorite part of the book is Chapter 11: Tame Your Inboxes. It provides three simple and feasible steps to help me deal with the problem of inbox overload. I have multiple email and social media accounts that I need to check every day. There were times when I dreaded opening my inboxes because of the volume of messages that awaited attention. I also receive dozens of letters and packages by conventional mail. Processing mails and emails take up a considerable amount of my time. The fear of missing an important mail or message has been a constant source of organizational stress for me.

After reading Pretty Neat, I feel better knowing that I'm not alone on this issue. I've started trying some of the strategies suggested in the book with regard to filing, labeling and prioritizing emails and they have proven quite effective in reducing clutter in my inboxes. I don't want to give away too much in detail here because I hope you'll benefit directly from reading the book yourself.

You can get your own copy of Pretty Neat at Buttoned Up for only $14.95. It's a great value considering the time and trouble it will save you through getting better organized. It's a book you may refer to often for ideas and inspiration.

The Giveaway

Alicia and Sarah have generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a copy of their new book Pretty Neat! But that's not all. The winner of my giveaway will also be automatically entered into an additional drawing of a Grand Prize including a $200 gift card (same as cash such as Visa or AmEx) plus a selection of Buttoned Up products valued at $50! Her chance of winning is 1 in 150.

Required Entry: Leave a comment telling me an area in your life or home that has been the biggest organizational challenge for you. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).

Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
  • Follow my blog publicly via Google Friends Connect (1 extra entry)
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  • Follow Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
RT @luckytoddler #Win a copy of Pretty Neat & a chance to win $250 in prizes! #giveaway #contest #sweepstakes
  • Join VirtaPay and leave you user name (1 extra entry) New signups only. You will receive free $25 in your account upon signup. 
  • "Like" me on Facebook and leave your FB name (1 extra entry)
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  • Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post. Then leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm Central Time on 3/20/11
Open to US Residents Only
Winner will be chosen using and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

Disclosure:I received a free copy of the book for review through Global Influence. No monetary compensation was provided. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

235 Treasure Hunters :

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cw said...

My dining room table - everything ends up on it (mail, etc) because we have no other flat surface in that room

cw said...


Barb A. said...

I would organize my closet. . I can't find anything in there. . including my kids!

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Libby's Library said...

OMGosh - paperwork in my office. I'm being taken over by it!

Thank you for this wonderful wonderful giveaway!


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Crystal said...

I need to organize my bathroom. Things like cosmetics and body washes tend to get out of hand.

cyclona66 at aol dot com

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cyclona66 at aol dot com

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cyclona66 at aol dot com

deb c said...

My garage is the biggest organization problem. My husband's
tools and gadgets are everywhere and it drives me nuts.

deb c said...

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debbie said...

Trying to get my one and only closet organized is not easy for me.

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hockandroll said...

my basement is horrendous and so hard to keep organized.. for one, it's unfinished.. so I can't hang traditional shelving systems.. I do have storage closets of sorts.. but the room as a whole quickly turns into part rehearsal space for the band, part work-out area for my husband.. and big part messy storage everywhere.. HELP!

hockandroll said...

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it came up saying hello Kimberly.. so I guess that's my name for networked blogs.. (i usually use hockandroll)

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fb name: Kimberly Hock

mommydoll13 said...

well the area in my house that is my biggest problem is all of it. i cringe when i look arround. I clean but it is just all the clutter.. i hate it but cant seem to keep it organzied. we are about to move into a new house and i dont want the clutter to come it is not invited for the move. i think this book would be great for me to teach me how to keep it organized and the clutter out.

mommydoll13 said...

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teh doll

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Anonymous said...

My biggest organizational challenge is our home office!

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FB fan of IFTC - Becky L.M.

Unknown said...

My office/spare room. Papers, Files, Office Supplies EVERYWHERE!!

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Keri Sapanara Leiti

Unknown said...

I need help organizing my clothes. We don't have a closet in the bedroom and limited drawer space.

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Debbie said...

Getting my kids to clean up after themselves is one of my biggest challenges!

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debmlott at gmail dot com

Jennifer T. said...

My bonus room, turned playroom, is a mess. It's a sea of toys. My biggest challenge.

Jennifer T. said...

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I'm a facebook fan of icefairy's Treasure Chest under username Jennie Tilson.

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Anonymous said...

The kitchen counter where everyone dumps their stuff! Bills, mail, school papers, church newsletters, etc.! I need help!!!

Jennifer Carroll said...

My closet, where I keep most of my stockpile.

Jennifer Carroll said...

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Unknown said...

My biggest challenge is my kitchen. When we first moved into our apartment, 5 years ago, the cabinets FELL OFF THE WALL! Our landlord is a shoddy general contractor (we've heard horror stories!), so we decided not to have him "fix" it. I have kids and don't want the cabinets falling on them! So, anyway, it's hard to find a place for everything without cabinets. We have book shelves and a pantry shelf, but it looks terrible!

ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Carroll said...

follow on twitter & tweeted @zombiesugarpie

Unknown said...

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ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

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alicia crenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Carroll said...

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mverno said...

the garage its just total choas out there

Karen said...

The Pantry is my biggest organizational challenge.

ktgonyea at :)

Anonymous said...

my biggest fall back is keeping my important papers organized!!
marshwin at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow u on twitters and tweeted. user: GiveAwayCity
marshwins at yahoo dot com

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polly said...

trying to keep my desk organized & is filled with papers a mile high!

polly said...

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slb3334 said...

The kitchen as there isn't much storage.

Unknown said...

definitely closets! It's too easy to throw things in there when I am in a hurry or just being lazy!!

Linda Kish said...

We don't have enough kitchen cabinets so everything gets tossed on the counters.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

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lkish77123 at gmail dot com

captainliss40 said...

My biggest organizational challenge is my office and all of the paperwork. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

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Unknown said...

Do I have to pick one area? I would say my living room because of all the kids toys.

alklong at hotmail dot com

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alklong at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I need a good way to organize papers! We live in such a small space I don't know what to use that I can store out of the way. I also need a system that makes sense so I know where to find things.
marcee DOT rodgers AT gmail DOT com

Maddison Paige said...

it is so hard to keep my kitchen counter decluttered...its where everything gets dropped as soon as we walk in the door!


Anonymous said...

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marcee DOT rodgers AT gmail DOT com

Maddison Paige said...

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Allison said...

My challenge is my closet!


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Beth W said...

The biggest organizational challenge for me has always been my craft room. I feel like I get buried under the supplies no matter what I do, and I can't seem to make utility be visually attractive!

wigget said...

papers - i've got piles of them!

hedgerhousehold said...

My organization problem area is my bedroom. No matter how hard I try it is always a mess
jenhedger at hotmial dot com

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Ryan said...

Biggest challenge is all the paperwork and bills for taxes.

Jane said...

Keeping my office organized is a problem area for me.
jcottey at aol dot com

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jcottey at aol dot com

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jcottey at aol dot com

Erin S said...

I struggle with my toddler's room. Being in between baby and big Boy and toys are large, but hard to part with and we lack a toy room!

Erin S said...

GFC: Erinn Sluka

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Alexis Amelotte said...

My hardest place to organize is my kitchen.

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Nickolay said...

My biggest organizational challenge is the garage. I haven't been able to park my truck in there for over a year


Nickolay said...



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Liz said...

It would have to be my bedroom. Right now my bed my office and my craft stuff plus my clothes are all in a 14x12ft space and I have to climb onto the bed to get anywhere. I'm at my wits end trying to find anything
lzz25 at yahoo dot com

Liz said...

lzz25 at yahoo dot com

Melissa O. said...

I'm pretty much a mess all over the place, but in ,y life, the biggest disorganization that causes stress is my not being able to get it together enough to move forward on picking up extra work.

wolverina401 at gmail dot com

maryjaco1 said...

I need to clean the guest bedroom, that has become a junk room.

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Anonymous said...

I seriously need to organize my craft room!
amanda at midweternmoms dot com

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amanda at midwesternmoms dot com

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Cera said...

My biggest problem is our gaming room. The hubby spends so much time in there and it always feels so cluttered no matter how much I clean it.

Sweeter the berry said...

My biggest problem is my bedroom closet. There is no light on the ceiling or hanging stick for clothes in there. It's a disaster!

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Terri. said...

My biggest problem is organizing all my craft and sewing things. I try to organize it but I'm overwhelmed from the start.

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kelley wood said...

My children's closets!

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goldangel69 said...

my computer desk is a mess

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Dana West Young said...

My biggest problem areas are the kitchen and the kids rooms! My mom is living with us right now so every is very hectic!!

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Liza767 said...

Kids rooms omg never stay clean


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Shae Johnson said...

I struggle most with keeping my kitchen clean since we are always eating and making food!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the chance.... my basement is my biggest organizational challenge.. specifically the bar. It just gets piled up with paper upon paper. never endings...

smarkey at sbcglobal dot net

Anonymous said...

Just one ?? ok would have to be my house. with 4 kids, full time job, and school it tends to fall to the bottom of the list

Anonymous said...

follo9wing via google friends connect

Nicole F said...

My spare bedroom - it is the dumping ground for everything!

CJ said...

I need help with my craft room/spare room!!

* Follow my blog publicly via Google Friends Connect (1 extra entry): Christy
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The Fam said...

Organizing my children's clothes: trying to figure out what to keep for possible future children, keep only clothes that fit in drawers, organized storage by size/gender........agh!!!!!!

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

The Fam said...

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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My drawers are always shoved with stuff. Everytime i clean them they are shortly back into a mess!


carole said...

My junk drawer needs cleaned out

carole said...

gfc follower

sodahoney said...

Hi, I have an breakfast bar that is a collect all. It now has blistex, sunglasses, water bottle, blue tooth, pen, pad of paper, post office slip to pick up a package, 2 safety pins, and a dentist appt card. This is a good day it can be alot worse.

sodahoney said...

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Julie said...

My biggest organizational problem would be my crafts supplies - fabric for sewing and quilting, cross-stitch supplies, knitting and crocheting supplies and yarn ... they end up in boxes here, there and everywhere!


Julie said...

I follow via GFC as jewelknits!


Lynne said...

My night stand and drawers are full of clutter and papers; suppose I should get a desk! But what a mess!
Can't wait to read the book!

Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I have no place to store all of my craft items so it is hard to keep it all organized.


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

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Lynne said...

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Lynne Patterson

vwestermeyer said...

our storage room off the garage. It starts out so neat and then becomes a huge mess within days!

Shaylasr said...

My biggest organizational problem is my comp desk.There are 6 sections to it and I print something and set it somewhere never to be seen again!!

deallieb said...

My kitchen has always been the hardest to organize. It is so hard to organize pots and pans and which cupboards to use for food.

deallieb said...

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deallieb said...

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Anonymous said...

my dumping ground-my walk in closet
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

The spare bedroom needs some lovin'!

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