It's hard to believe we're already in the middle of September. Are you surviving the first weeks of school along with your kids? I'm still looking for the perfect preschool for my DS. Hope we'll get settled soon.
There are quite a few winners to announce today. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who have actively participated in the Dean's Dip Cheesy Friday promotion, especially those who have shared their original recipes in week 3. I'd also like to welcome all the new followers from BlogFest event. Thank you for supporting all my giveaways!
Here's the list of latest winners:
Dean's Dip Grand Prize: Deb, very lucky lady chosen from 400+ entries over the 3-week period.
Spanish Word-A-Day: Jennifer (comment #1)
ToiletTree Fogless Shower Mirror: Kathy (comment #13)
BlogFest Giveaway: Kim@Chubby Cheeks Thinks (#18), Chantel (#48), librarypat (#106)
Congratulations! All of the winners have been notified by email and most have already responded. Great job!
September 15 is the last day of the Kozy Shack contest. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to vote for me. I'd sure share the wealth with you should I win any of their prizes. Plus, for every vote cast, Kozy Shack will donate ten cents to WomenHeart. Thank you in advance!
1 Treasure Hunters :
Thank you!! Congrats to the other winner!
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