~~The giveaway is now CLOSED~~
Sunglasses are one of my must-have fashion accessories for summer. When I shop for sunglasses, my first priority is quality, followed by price and style. Before anything else, I want a pair of sunglasses that does the job, i.e. protecting my eyes from harsh sunlight. It's a great plus if the sunglasses also enhance my appearance, but I would never break my bank just to get a nice look. I'm so glad to be introduced to SunglassWarehouse.com, where I can find products that meet all my priorities! The company impresses me with its huge selection of women's sunglasses, men's sunglasses and kids' sunglasses that are both functional and fashionable. Believe it or not, all their sunglasses are under $20. With such unbeatable prices, Sunglass Wearhouse is sure a champion for affordable style.Thanks to Family Review Network, I recently received a pair of Sunglass Warehouse Polarized Sport Style in red for review. Like all SW products, the lenses provide UV400 protection from dangerous ultra violet rays. You can tell from the picture above that they have a very cool design. I particularly love the sporty stripe that runs from the lenses down each temple. The shades provide a comfortable fit and do not leave any embarrassing pressure marks on my nose. My old sunglasses got quite a few scratches on the lenses, blurring my vision. This pair is a prefect replacement that comes right in time!
Sunglass Warehouse provides stylish sunglasses for everyone in the family. I love that there are quite a few matching designs for men and women, making it easy to create a couple look. For instance, my husband could get SW Polarized Sport Style in black to match the pair I reviewed. There are a number of ways to shop at SW. You can get started by choosing the gender the sunglasses are intended for. You can easily find shades designed for different functions, including clip-on lenses, reading sunglasses, goggles, motorcycle sunglasses and more. You can choose among a wide variety of trendy styles, such as Aviator, Retro, Oversized, Shield, etc. You may also want to dress up your kid with a funky pair like the one shown below.
SunglassWarehouse.com is not only an online store, but also an informative resource for sunglass shoppers. It shows you how to choose sunglasses based on your skin tones or choose sunglasses for your face shape. Another cool feature of the site is that you may compare SW styles to designer shades using the links on the sidebar. I just read from Sunglass Warehouse blog that most designer sunglasses are made by the same manufacturer and that they don't differ much from generic brands in terms of quality and durability. It doesn't really make sense to pay $500 for something that provides no extra protection for your eyes.
If you shop at Sunglass Warehouse now, you can take advantage of their summer sale and get 15% off everything in the store. Plus, shipping is free for all orders over $25.
The Giveaway
To let you enjoy affordable fashion, Sunglass Warehouse has generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a pair of sunglasses of her choice or $20 SW Gift Card! I bet you'll have a hard time choosing just one pair you desire to have.
Required Entry: Visit Sunglass Warehouse, and leave a comment telling me the name of your favorite pair on their site aside from the one being reviewed here. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).
Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
- Like SW on Facebook and leave your name (1 extra entry)
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- Follow Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
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- Print this Morton Salt coupon and leave the email your used (1 extra entry)
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- Make a purchase at eShakti using discount code "icefairy123" (10 extra entries)
- Sign up at EZWin via this link and leave me your username on the site (3 extra entries)
- Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
- Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (1 extra entry)
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to Sunglass Warehouse and Me. Then leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm Central Time on 8/15/10
Open to US & Canadian Residents
Winners will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Disclosure: This post was written for Family Review Network & Affordable Style who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest reviwew.

190 Treasure Hunters :
My favorites are: SW Retro Style #1688
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I follow SW on Twitter (daddymem)
Would looove to have th SW neon retro 1610 in either the pink or yellow!!
I like the neon retro glasses.
I like the OveRxCast Large Polarized Sunglasses #1398
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
i really like the oversized style # 1722 in grey/purple. very cool cissysue10@yahoo.com
i subscribe via email
i follow u on twitter and tweeted
I would like the SW Round #9979 in brown
i like the Round Sunglasses > SW Round Style #2426 in blue
staceyx at telus dot net
i Like SW on Facebook stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net
i follow SW on twitter @roswello
staceyx at telus dot net
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staceyx at telus dot net
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staceyx at telus dot net
i follow you on twitter @roswello and tweeted
staceyx at telus dot net
i Like" you on Facebook stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net
I love the SW Fashion Style #439 pair.
I follow SW on twitter as @luckysluna
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daily tweet
staceyx at telus dot net
My favorite is SW Polarized Style #3176
I like SW on Facebook (Rachel Flavin)
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I like the SW Polarized Style #27.
pkildow at gmail dot com
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I am a Facebook friend. (Rachel Flavin)
i like the SW Goggle Style #18641
I would favor the SW Mirrored Aviator Style Sunglasses. Good for protecting my eyes from harmfull UV radiation.
Hope to win!
I like the SW Retro Style.
I like the SW Vintage Aviator Style #303.
I like the SW Shield Style #237.
i'd get the SW Celebrity Style #511
SW Retro Style #1689 , they're actually close in style to what I own now.
I like style # 6021 best I think
daily tweet
staceyx at telus dot net
I like the SW Animal Print Style #1432.
amberlowmiddleton at gmail dot com
I like the SW Retro Style #1689~
I voted for you here~ http://switchtokozyshack.com/vote.php?id=372
I like the SW Oversized Style #2347 in Pink Fade the most.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like Sunglass Warehouse on facebook.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow Sunglass Warehouse on twitter as 409cope.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I subscribe to Sunglass Warehouse through rss google feed.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow on twitter and tweeted-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/20713741827 cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like you on facebook.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like the SW Cat Eye Style #9100 in Clear Red and White.
I really like style #17806!
I love the SW square style #420. Thanks for the opp!
Following SUnglass Warehouse on Twitter - name : 2lilmuffins
I subscribed to SW's blog in a reader. E-mail address: mistressammie (at) yahoo.com.
Following you publicly through GFC.
Voted for you - http://switchtokozyshack.com/votethanks.php
i would get the SW Novelty Sunglasses #31168 in zebra
Liked SW on Facebook sara mather
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following publicly sara mather
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sara mather
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sara mather
Added as friend on Facebook sara mather
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staceyx at telus dot net
I like the SW Aviator Style #9637
I follow sunglasses warehouse on twitter under ChildrensNook
I like the SW Fashion Style #1207 in black.
I subscribe to your blog
My favorite pair is the SW Celebrity Style #1960! I love pink!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
I follow SW on twitter as hell_0kitty
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
The Celebrity Style #511's are so cute! Thanks so much for the chance to win a pair!
I like Sunglass Warehouse on Facebook (Amanda Davis) Thanks!
I also follow Sunglass Warehouse on Twitter with @amandapersists Thanks!
I am a Google Friend Connect follower! Thanks!
I liked icefairy's Treasure Chest on Facebook (Amanda Davis) Thanks again!
I also requested to be your friend on Facebook (Amanda Davis) Thanks again!
daily tweet
staceyx at telus dot net
Daily vote for you here~ http://switchtokozyshack.com/vote.php?id=372
I like the SW Butterfly Style
Like SW on FB
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Loving the pink SW Retro 1418 ones. :)
Follow SW on Twitter - @jamiainc
I like stlye 4730.
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stacey lowe
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I like the SW Retro Style #1689
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com
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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com
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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com
I like you on Facebook as Patti Mercier Nicklas
PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com
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PMNSL95 at triad dot rr dot com
i like the sw rhinestone style #404 in black.
email subscriber
publicly follow gfc
daily tweet-https://twitter.com/409cope/status/21017197786
Love the retro ones like SW Retro Style #1698
i'd get OveRxCast Large Polarized Sunglasses #1398 -- regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I like the SW Modified Retro Style #8843 in teal.
kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
staceyx at telus dot net
I love the SW Celebrity Style 511 because they look like Jackie O sunglasses!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I like the SW Shield Style #1199
daily tweet
I like the SW Shield Style #1199.
mistylimepink at mgail dot com
looove to have th SW neon retro 1610 in either the pink or yellow!!
I like the OveRxCast Large Polarized Sunglasses
I love the SW Paint Splattered Style #1650
meaculpa115 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/21108088638
I love the SW Oversized Style #31045.
Liked SunglassWarehouse on FB
Name: Hoa Le
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Liked icefairy's Treasure Chest on FB
Name: Hoa Le
NetworkedBlogs Follower
Name: Hoa Le
One of my favorites are:
SW Oversized Style #503
amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like SW on Facebook (Amy Tulk)
amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like SW on Twitter (@leahsmama)
amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I voted for you! Good luck- I won a $45 prize pack from Kozy Shack :)
amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
daily tweet
I like the SW Oversized Style #39482 with the Gold and Brown Frame.
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
I Like SW on facebook(Theresa DeRosa)
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/21181893965
i like the SW shield style #237 it's very sassy!
higgs.rachel at gmail.com
I like SW Rimless Style #1196
i like the celebrity # 511
following you on twitter and tweeted
sw retro is most def the best pair!!! =)
thank you! good luck to meee
I really like the SW Aviator Style #500
I like www.SunglassWarehouse.com on FaceBook (Louis Here) :)
following sunglasswarehse on twitter at rosidentevil
voted for you in the Kozy Shack contest
I subscribed to your feed via mail (same as in my profile / this post)
following you on twitter at rosidentevil
I like the amber Aviator Flip-Up Polarized Sunglasses #1382.
flashlight13114 [at] yahoo [dot] com
SW Shield style #1401
daily tweet
staceyx at telus dot net
I like SW Amimal Print Style #1206 Black and Purple Zebra.
daily tweet
I so want a pair of SW Round Style #2426 with dark purple lens
I "like" you on facebook (Angela Livingston)
I "like" SW on facebook (Angela Livingston)
I follow SW on twitter @hotmomtips
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Celebrity Style!! #511
kaefree at gmail dot com
daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/21253836423
would like SW Oversized Rhinestone Style #302
like sw on fb
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I love the SW Fashion Style #1602 in red
I like the SW Butterfly Sunglasses #8833
I follow Sunglass Warehouse on Twitter @RazzMyBerry
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I follow on Networked blogs - Breanne T
I would love to have the SW Round Style #9979 glasses
The SW Bufferly Style #1489 is my favorite sunglasses. garrettsambo@aol.com
SW Sport Style #278
I love the SW Celebrity Style 511
Love the Sw Oversized #15025!
I like the mirrored aviator style #1690. These make me think of old school police officer movies!
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