Rada Pro Nail Station--Donna (comment #123)
DownEast Outfit--rb109972 (comment #348)
KN Pink Lady--Grand Prize: Jeanette (comment #619), Runners-up: Karyn (comment #487) and Ellen (comment #4)
Bra Barrette Style Pack--Anne (comment #151)
Fairy-Gram--Erica (comment #179)
All winners have been notified and all but the DownEast winner have responded. If I don't hear back from the winner by tomorrow, I'll have to redraw a second time.
And don't miss your chance to win a cool chicBuds Bluetooth Headset. The giveaway ends tonight!
Thanks to all your support, I've made it into the top 10 in the Love This Site Award contest. There's about one month left and I'm still quite behind the leader in my category. So I'd greatly appreciate it if you could encourage your friends to vote for me too. I don't care too much about the prize, but rather the recognition I'd get from all of you. Thank you, again!

4 Treasure Hunters :
Congratulations on your wins.
Congrats to all the winners!!! :)
how fun...love ur blog!
If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com
I hope you decided to follow me because I try to bring my readers a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday!
Congratulations everyone!!! :)
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