I was given the opportunity to review and keep a chicBuds Wireless Headset in pink. The cute candy tin that the product came in was the first thing that caught my eyes. It's definitely one of a kind and memorable! I was then amazed by how compact the headset is--about the same size as a mini candy bar or even smaller. It can fit in any purse, wallet, or pocket. Perfect to use while on the go!

Compatible with all Bluetooth enabled cell phones, chicBuds Wireless Headset is easy to set up and convenient to use. The headset is powered by a battery that can be easily recharged by connecting to a USB hub. The built-in indicator light tells you when the battery is full. It only takes a few steps to pair the device with your phone initially and it's even faster to reconnect afterwards. The smartly designed inner earbuds provide a comfortable fit as well as excellent sound quality. The package also comes with extra earbuds protectors. The headset has up to 6 hours talk time and up to 200 hours standby time. I've used it for two weeks and the battery is still going strong.
The chicBuds Wireless Headset is absolutely a high quality fashion and tech accessory to keep your hands free while on the phone. You can get one at ChicBlvd.com for $48 and have your choice of color for the decorative crystals.
The Giveaway
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, the brilliant women behind chicBuds have generously offered to give one of my lucky readers an adorable pink chicBuds Wireless Headset. That's a $48 value! It looks cool on both men and women!
Required Entry: Visit chicBuds and leave a comment telling me your favorite product other than the wireless headset. Please include your color preference if applicable. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).
Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
- Vote for me and tell me my vote count after you vote (5 extra entries). Don't forget to leave a comment here if you want to be entered to win $50 cash.
- Join the chicBuds group on Facebook and leave your name here (1 extra entry)
- Become my fan on Facebook and leave your name here (1 extra entry)
- Follow my blog publicly (1 extra entry)
- Subscribe to my feed via email and leave your email address (1 extra entry) .
- Follow chicBuds AND Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
- Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
- Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (1 extra entry)
- Fave me on Technorati and leave your user name (1 extra entry)
- Blog about this giveaway and link back to chicBuds and Me, and leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
- Include the following text on your blog Win over $1,000 prizes at icefairy's Treasure Chest and link back (1 extra entry)
Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 10/28/09
Open to US Residents Only
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Open to US Residents Only
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

491 Treasure Hunters :
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 491 Newer› Newest»I love the Sport Headphones they sell. :)
reflejo-del-alma (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love to get the designer series blue-raspberry swirl in white!
I have your button over at ruthkathryn.blogspot.com
Other than the giveaway item, my favorite product is the Techie Girl Kit in blueberry. thank you
i like the rock band rock buds, clallen at ntin dot net
1 voted #113 clallen at ntin dot net
2 voted #113 clallen at ntin dot net
3 voted #113 clallen at ntin dot net
4 voted #113 clallen at ntin dot net
5 voted #113 clallen at ntin dot net
follow, joined, chicbuds on fb clallen at ntin dot net (crystal l allen)
sub to email clallen at ntin dot net
faved on techno clallen at ntin dot net
Grape chicBuds Earphones are cool! :)
The Techie Girl Kit in blueberry. My daughter would love this.
I like the Cotton candy blue I Pod case
Thanks for the contest. The chicBuds Earphones in Grape are adorable.
I like the Hot Pink DJ Sport Headphones.
The Blue Raspberry Swirl headsets are neato. I like the color combo. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a public blog follower.
Your button is on my Giveaways Galore page: http://bit.ly/jIbPb
I also like the cotton candy blue chicbuds ipod cases
I joined chicbuds on facebook
I'm a fan of yours on facebook- heather mcdougle
You are a fav on technorati- craftysweetpea
I voted 1
I voted 2
I voted 3
I voted 4
I voted 5
The watermelon earbuds look great too.
I'm a facebook fan. Thanks!
I'm a subscriber. Thanks
Love the ipod case in cotton candy blue. JD
i like the rockbuds
sunela at gmail dot com
i follow publicly
sunela at gmail dot com
Tech fave! (sunela)
sunela at gmail dot com
I also love the Rock Buds in Camo. Thanks so much.
I voted for you (#119)
Entry 1
I voted for you (#119)
Entry 2
I voted for you (#119)
Entry 3
I voted for you (#119)
Entry 4
I voted for you (#119)
Entry 5
I like the Hot Pink DJ Sport Headphones.
I love the White chicBuds Star Power Edition. My iPod would look so good with these earbuds!
Entry #1
I voted for you. Vote #122
Entry #2
I voted for you. Vote #122
Entry #3
I voted for you. Vote #122
Entry #4
I voted for you. Vote #122
Entry #5
I voted for you. Vote #122
I subscribed via email.
I follow your blog (taterbug)
I follow you and chicBuds on Twitter (taterbugtx) and tweeted:
I like the "rockbuds" "chicks like me" earphones
i follow your blog
entry 1 voted (votes 123)
entry 2 voted (votes 123)
entry 3 voted (votes 123)
entry 4 voted (votes 123)
White chicBuds Star Power Edition
I really like the Sport Headphones.
my kids could use the sport
I always have a problem with "ear buds" fitting me so maybe something like the DJ Sport Headphones by chicBud would be good.
I am an email subscriber
I like the Blue-Raspberry Swirl Black earbuds
I like The Techie Girl Kit in blueberry. abailey_crace@yahoo.com
I love the new Strawberry Ice iPod Case - very flashy!
clenna at aol dot com
#1 I voted and the number after I voted was 132!
clenna at aol dot com
#4 I voted and the number after I voted was 132!
clenna at aol dot com
#3 I voted and the number after I voted was 132!
clenna at aol dot com
#2 I voted and the number after I voted was 132!
clenna at aol dot com
#1 I voted and the number after I voted was 132!
clenna at aol dot com
I subscribe
clenna at aol dot com
I follow
clenna at aol dot com
I like the chicBuds iPod-Inspired Designer Series in blue-raspberry swirl white
I am a subscriber
I like the Gal to Gal Edition chicbuds in pink.
I follow your blog.
I subscribe via email.
I follow you on Twitter.
I have your button on 1wickedwitch2.blogspot.com
tweet. http://twitter.com/1wickedwitch2/status/4915373904
I like the ipod cases.
LOVE the new Strawberry Ice iPod Case as well as the
I also like the sport headphones
Thank you!
I voted #1
Thank you!
I voted #2
Thank you!
I voted #3
Thank you!
I voted #4
Thank you!
I voted #5
Thank you!
I joined chic buds on facebook - beth s
Thank you!
I am a fan on facebook - beth s
Thank you!
I like the black star power chicBuds
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the Techi girl kit!
I voted for you my vote made 135
#2 I voted for you number 135
#3 I voted for you number 135
#4 voted for ya 135
#5 voted for you 135
Oh Nice!!
I HEART the Hot Pink DJ Sport Headphones!!
ALready voted...you are at 136! :()
I am a loyal subscriber!
tech fave! (lilshgua2001)
I voted previously #2
I voted previously #3
I voted previously #4
I voted previously #5
I like the Techie Girl kit!
I like DJ Sport Headphones in Hot Pink
nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com
I'm am email subscriber
nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com
Lani Wilkinson: lw4photos@gmail.com
I love the inspired designer Blue-Raspberry Swirl Black buds
Lani Wilkinson: Follower
i love their earbuds
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I liked the Techie Girl Kit USB/Ear Buds in Watermelon color.
I follow your blog...
I subscribe via email..
DJ Sport Headphones by chicBuds
I would want them in pink!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Techie Girl Kit in blueberry.
DJ Sport Headphones.
I like the star earbuds in black. Or those sport headphones look like something I'd like to try.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I also like the iPod Case bubble gum
luvtosave at gmail.com
voted #1
luvtosave at gmail.com
voted #2
luvtosave at gmail.com
voted #3
luvtosave at gmail.com
voted #4
luvtosave at gmail.com
voted #5
luvtosave at gmail.com
blog follower as ethel
luvtosave at gmail.com
email subscriber
luvtosave at gmail.com
following you both on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/Luv_to_Save/status/4923766136
luvtosave at gmail.com
I voted for you, 141 votes.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
Voted 2
Voted 3
Voted 4
Voted 5
I love the chic buds in watermelon!
ljatwood at gmail dot com
vote count is 141 (1)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
vote count is 141 (2)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
vote count is 141 (3)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
vote count is 141 (4)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
vote count is 141 (5)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
joined teh chicbuds group on facebook (Lori Day Atwood)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
fan of you on facebook (Lori D A)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
public blog follower
ljatwood at gmail dot com
email subscriber
ljatwood at gmail dot com
following on twitter and tweeted
ljatwood at gmail dot com
fave'd on technorati (peapie)
ljatwood at gmail dot com
Joined Chicbuds on Facebook, Jaimie K****.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I'm your fan on Facebook, Jaimie K****.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
chic buds Grape sorbet white! As a Raven's fan I must get them!
my husband would love the "rock band" rock buds. cute!!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i voted! you had 143 votes.
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i voted #2! you had 143 votes.
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i voted #3! you had 143 votes.
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i voted #4! you had 143 votes.
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i voted #5! you had 143 votes.
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
joined the chicbuds facebook group!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i'm an icefairy facebook fan, too!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
i'm a follower!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
and i subscribe to your emails at this address:
kyrie24 at gmail dot com
the DJ Sport Headphones in Hot Pink are cute - would love those
I like the White chiBuds Earphones in Marshmallow. They are so neat!
i voted for you. :D
good luck
I subscribe to your emails.
I like the cotton candy blue Ipod case.
the Rock Buds in Camo
I like the Hot Pink DJ Sport Headphones!
Jeanette Huston
I voted for you count 147!
Jeanette Huston
I voted for you count 147!
Jeanette Huston
I voted for you count 147!
Jeanette Huston
I voted for you count 147!
Jeanette Huston
I'm a follower!
Jeanette Huston
I'm a subscriber!
Jeanette Huston
I follower you on twitter!
Jeanette Huston
I'm a FB fan!
Jeanette Huston
I put you on my blogroll!
Jeanette Huston
I faved you on Technorati!
Username gijeanie1
Jeanette Huston
I blogged about you!
Jeanette Huston
I blogged about you!
Jeanette Huston
I am following chicBuds on twitter!
Jeanette Huston
I joined chicBuds on FB!
Jeanette Huston
I blogged about this giveaway here!
Jeanette Huston
The Ipod cases are cool. Please enter me in the contests
dancealert at aol dot com
I voted the number changed to 149!
By the way your site loads very fast now!!
dancealert at aol dot com
I friended chicbuds on facebook
dancealert at aol dot com
Your button is on my site
dancealert at aol dot com
I follow
dancealert at aol dot com
I subscribe to your emails and tweeted this.
The black raspberry iPod case.
I love the Black Raspberry iPod case. Thanks for the chance to win.
blog follower
I like the DJ Sport Headphones in pink.
I love their Rockbuds, especially the Hope one! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
the chicBuds Star Power Edition, in white
I love the Limited Edition Lovers earbuds!
The Daily Planet
I joined the Facebook group: Amanda Dixon
The Daily Planet
I'm your fan.
The Daily Planet
I follow your blog
The Daily Planet
I'm a subscriber
The Daily Planet
I follow Chicbuds and you on twitter: Super_Angel
The Daily Planet
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