One of the fun parts of being a mom is to dress up your baby. I love shopping for baby clothes and shoes both online and offline. What I found over the past year is that you don't have to break your bank to keep your child in style if you shop at the right place and at the right time.
For instance, Gap Outlet is having their Semi-Annual Baby Sale for newborns to 5 year olds between September 11-24, 2009. And thanks to TwitterMoms, each of us can receive an exclusive 10% off coupon to shop at the Gap Outlet sale. So the next two weeks would be the best time to collect your favorite Gap baby gear!
Want to stay on top of all sale events and get exclusive savings for your favorite brands? It's pretty easy. Set up a dedicated free email account and sign up for store newsletters. You may also opt in to receive coupons and sale alerts via postal mail.Major brands like Gap offer store brand credit cards or rewards cards, which give additional discounts or cash back to loyal customers.It's also a good idea to shop at factory outlets and discount stores, where everyday prices are often lower than elsewhere. Oh, don't forget to size up when you stock up!
Well, I'm still new at this and there's a lot to learn from more seasoned frugal moms like you. Twittermoms and Gap are interested in knowing your tip on value shopping for children. The first 50 bloggers to participate in the conversation will win a $20 Gap Gift Card! What are you waiting for?

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