Do you take your kids to grocery shopping? I do and I've seen a lot of moms do during my regular visits to supermarkets. Have you ever thought about making a trip to the grocery store a fun and educational experience for your kids? The Looney Tunes Eating Right Kids program encourages us to discuss about an interesting topic, one that I haven't given much thought to before.
Question of the Week: How do you navigate the grocery store with your kids?
We always start with the fresh produce section, picking fresh fruits and vegetables. My son often leaves with a big apple in hand. Our second stop is either the bakery or the cereal/breakfast section. Baby food and snacks come next. Not surprisingly, they are my son's favorite parts of the store and where we stay the longest. I love to check for new flavors and new varieties. We then get milk, yogurt and eggs from the diary section. We usually conclude our trip at the natural/organic products counter. I'm trying to integrate more green food into our diet.
Although I haven't made a conscious effort to teach my child about healthy eating through grocery shopping, the way we navigate the store is quite consistent with what I believe to be a healthy living style. Again, I'd suggest leading by example as a great way to encourage kids to eat healthy foods.
Feel free to share you grocery shopping stories here and grab your final extra entry for the big Looney Tunes gift basket giveaway!
Meanwhile, don't forget to send your questions about nutrition to Momlogic’s nutrition expert, Haylie Pomroy. She can be reached at eatingright@wb.com.

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