The name Karito ('ka-ree'toe) means charity and love of one's neighbor. It was taken from the constructed international language, Esperanto, which was formed to foster peace and international understanding. Karito Kids products are highly distinctive not only because of their premium quality but also because they introduce children to the concept of charity and embed in them a sense of social responsibility from an early age.
Every purchase helps another child as it comes with a special code that can be activated online to let kids donate 3% of the retail price to one of four charitable causes: food, home, school or health. As a result, children learn about humanitarian projects from around the world and help underprivileged children through donations. It has also been suggested that introducing children to different countries and cultures can encourage understanding, acceptance and a desire to help others.

The world collection features six beautifully made, fashionably dressed poseable dolls that represent 11-year-old girls from different cultures and countries around the world. Each doll stands 21" tall, with jointed limbs and a soft torso, displaying the unique beauty of her ethnic heritage and the clothing styles reflecting the influence of both her culture and personality. My favorite from the collection is Gia from Italy, whom I received for review.
Gia is an 11-year old fashion diva helping her parents operate their pensione (family inn) in Florence, Italy. She dreams of becoming the world’s most famous fashion designer. Gia comes with her own passport and a hardbound, 136-page fiction book that includes pages from her journal describing the country she loves!

When I first met Gia, I was amazed at how tall she is and how finely sculpted she is. She's absolutely adorable!!! I love the interchangeable clothing and accessories that I can use to dress her up for different occasions. I had never dreamed of having such a high-end doll when I was young. My excitement was beyond words. The doll is phthalate free, safe for children aged 3 and above, and wears a wig that can washed and styled. The adventure book was written by Edgar Award-winning novelist Walter Sorrells and illustrated by former Disney animators who have worked on such classic movies as Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and The Beast and Lilo and Stitch.
Karito Kids dolls have won tons of toy awards, including 2007 Family Fun #1 Toy of The Year Award. They were selected for Oprah’s “O” list the month they launched (July 2007)! With a suggested retail price of $99.99, the dolls are now available in 800 online and specialty stores in the U.S. and Canada.

The Giveaway
Lisa and Laura, the awesome women entrepreneurs behind Karito Kids have generously offered to give one of my lucky readers a Karito Kids World Collection Doll of choice! That's a $100 value! I bet it will make an unforgettable gift!Required Entry: Visit Karito Kids and leave a comment telling me your favorite product (other than the one being reviewed here) from their online store. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).
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Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 10/9/09
Open to US & Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Open to US & Canadian Residents!
Winner will be chosen using random.org and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

608 Treasure Hunters :
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The Slumber Party sleeping bag is cute!
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I like the Play Date outfit.
mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like Lia but also Pita.
I commented on the post.
The Lulu goes to Madagasgar soft doll is cute.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
Commented on Heart of My Home post.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I'm your fan on Facebook, Jaimie Krupp.
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
The Gia goes to France soft doll is adorable! My daughter would love it!!!
I like Zoe from the US! :)
Nury77 at live dot ca
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nury77 at live dot ca
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nury77 at live dot ca
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nury77 at live dot ca
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Nury77 at live dot ca
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Nury77 at live dot ca
Pita, like her facts on Mexico and her Guacamole recipe
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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Nury77 at live dot ca
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I love them all but I would pick Lulu Rehema Kibwana. Thanks for introducing me to these wonderful dolls!
I included your text on my blog's sidebar.
Nury77 at live dot ca
I signed up for the Facebook group
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These dolls and program is so wonderful. I love the Zoe doll. Thanks so much.
Gia is my most favorite doll but I also like Sunny Days accessories that you can get to go with them.
feed subscriber
I like the Slumber Party Sleeping Bag. My niece would love it.
I really like the Zoe Bracelet. That is really cute. I love these dolls! Thank you!
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Judy Brittle
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Your website keeps going blank on me and I have to keep refreshing page. Anyone else?
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I entered the Purex Tweet the Sheet giveaway
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Judy Brittle
I like the Slumber Party sleeping bag.
I like the Zoe goes to Canada Travel Charmers Soft Dolls.
Mexico mystery book.
I like the Sunny Days outfit
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I like the Party Princess dress outfit.
I am a follower
I entered before 10/2
I entered the Kasky kids giveaway
The pita braclet is cute. I'd choose Piper for my nieces. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
I love the kitty cat sleeping bag!
ajcmeyer at go dot com
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/StealsDeals/status/4382371733
Besides the dolls, I think the slumber party sleeping bag is really cute.
I like the plush doll of Ling in her Travel Charmers set. I also like the Sunny Days outfit.
The Nairobi Nightmare Book looks good!
(in Canada)
Joined Karito Kids on Facebook
Anne Taylor or annectaylor1
(in Canada)
My favourite doll is Lu Lu and I love the philosophy of the owners of this company! Very admirable!
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Anne Taylor or annectaylor1
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I've entered the Looney Toones giveaway!
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i like the ling goes to japan soft doll and bracelet
google follower
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I lve the gia doll
I am going to see if our school would buy a set of the Adventure books for our library! They sound like a great read & it would raise awareness too!
I am already a fan of the Karito Kids group on Facebook. (Jana Leonard)
I've left a comment on where is the heart of your home post.
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I like the party princess outfit!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
The Party Princess dress is beautiful. I know my daughter would enjoy dressing up her doll in that.
tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com
I am a subscriber!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com
We like Piper or Zoe....I like the books about adventures in other countries.
I like the Zoe doll
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/4394404928
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I really like the Party Princess dress
I like the Pita bracelet. Very colorful and funky!
I subscribe via email...
I entered this giveaway by 10/2
My daughter fell in love with the Gia bracelet. So cute!
I joined the Karito Kids - Kids Giving Back to Kids on facebook. Shelly Henley
I'm following your blog. Shelly Henley
following karito and you on twitter and tweeted the giveaway http://twitter.com/jgnp/status/4395647258
I entered the Kaskey kids giveaway
Became a fan on facebook.
Entered the looney tunes gift basket giveaway.
I like the Slumber Party accessory--the sleeping bag is so cute
I like the Party Princess. Thanks for the giveaway.
Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
Twitter id: joeandbridge
I entered the Purex giveaway. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
FB Name: Bridgette Groschen
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Bridgette Groschen
Tech id: joeandbridge
Piper is my favorite Karito Kid, and I also love the Sydney Scandal Book!!
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/
I already follow KaritoKids on Facebook(Heather Clouston-Diotte)
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I own CoolCanucks.ca, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie site. This giveaway is shared here:
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I like the Piper from Australia doll.
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I faved you on Technorati (lewales).
I love Piper the Australian doll!!
Was going to tweet will try again ,Going crazy about these dolls for my niece,never heard of them till now, thanks. will join facebook group.
Doris Calvert
twitter name dewinner
Will tweet daily!!
My daughter loves the idea of Piper.
Joined the group on facebook - name is Ashley McLure
I like Gia from Italy
9/26 tweet
My daughter picked Piper from Australia.
I love the Zoe doll and I am sure that my granddaughter would too :)
Thanks for the chance!
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Deb S
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I have seen these dolls around and they are awesome!! I think my daughter would like Piper the best :)
kara at elis lids dot com
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I love Piper from Australia . I have a niece thereand this would be perfect for my granddaughter.
She would learn where she lives
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Peggy Gorman
I Entered the Looney Tunes gift basket giveaway by 9/30
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I like Lulu - beautiful hair and it's fun that she is an athlete.
I like Lulu from Kenya best.
Commented on Heart of My Home
I entered the Kaskey Kids giveaway.
The Zen Vibe outfit with gear is pretty sweet.
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I entered the Looney Tunes basket giveaway
Entered the Looney Tunes contest. Thanks for the chance.
I like the party princess set
i really like the gia Bracelet
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
i joined Karito Kids group on face book(sherry nickerson)
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
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wadesherry@hotmail dot com
I like the Ling doll!
i follow karitokids on twitter(cqueen2)
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
i follow you on twitter(cqueen2)
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
i entered teh sheet works tweet
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
Entered Pond's gift pack giveaway!
I know a little girl that would love this and the Lulu Bracelet
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
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My daughter would love to have a Charmer bracelet to go along with her doll.
I love Wan Ling from China.
I like the zoe bracelet
tweeted http://twitter.com/dropcqueen/status/4416129419
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