Betsie Bee: The little bee who learned how to share and care in preschool
This book is for children who are either just starting school or need to learn how to share with a new friend or sibling. A child’s first experience in school is often the first time they are expected to share with others, work collaboratively, and patiently wait their turn. Betsie Bee is the little bee who learns that sharing and caring for others brings wonderful rewards.
Arabelle: The little bat with the most wonderful glasses
Children often struggle with feelings of insecurity at some point in their childhood. When children feel that there is something about them that makes them “different” from the others in their peer group, they often express fear, sadness and anger. Some children are afraid that they are too short, too tall or just don’t fit in. One of the most important things we can teach our children is that our differences make us special. In Arabelle, The bat with the most wonderful pink glasses, Arabelle struggles with the idea that if she has to wear glasses, she will not be the same as her friends and they will taunt and tease her. She quickly learns that we are all different in our own special way, and, in fact, having new pink glasses proves to be absolutely wonderful!
Koby The Little Blue Kangaroo Who Worried All Day
Koby the little blue kangaroo is a lot like many of our children who spend much of the day being worried. Koby worries about things like being late for school, or forgetting his lunch. He worries about losing a friend or losing a game. He even worries about not worrying. With his worries keeping his mind busy and his tummy in a tizzy, Koby comes to learn that worrying really doesn’t change any of the things he worries about. With a little practice, he changes his worries into happy thoughts. Koby doesn’t stop worrying forever, but he sure worries a lot less!
These are the books from the series that I received for review. They tell fun and engaging stories through colorful illustrations, adorable characters, rhyming verse, and interesting scenarios that are easy for young readers to understand and relate to. My older son volunteered to read these books to his little brother, who in turn retold the stories to mommy with the help of all the beautiful pictures in the book. I'm happy to see that my kids learned about how to be a better and stronger person while having fun reading. The Kind Kids Character Education Book Series now consists of 7 books. You can purchase any or all of them here.
The author Danielle Lindner is a certified early educational and elementary teacher, who has worked as a teacher, trainer and educator for over 18 years in both public and private educational institutions. She is a member of the SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators), and the founder and Executive Director of the London Day School, where the curriculum combines essential academic skills with a focus on social and emotional development.
The Giveaway
The author has generously offered to give away a set of 3 books from The Kind Kids Character Education Book series: Betsie Bee, Arabelle and Koby (ARV $27.45). Please complete the simple entries below for your chance to win. Good luck!a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway is part of the March into Spring Giveaway Hop. Please follow the linky below to visit all the other participating blogs and enter more fun giveaways.
Disclosure: I received free books to facilitate my honest review. icefairy's Treasure Chest is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

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