Resolution #1: To adopt more healthy eating habits.
To keep my family healthy is of top priority to me at all times. I've been consciously incorporating healthier options into our family's daily meals and snacks. In 2014, I will pay closer attention to nutritional values of the food we consume, in addition to their calorie, sugar and sodium levels. I'm happy to be introduced to ZonePerfect Nutrition Bars through this blog challenge. They are high in protein, low in fat, and available in 15 delicious flavors! They are definitely a smart snack or breakfast option for those who are too busy to prepare homemade foods, those who are constantly on the go, and those who are trying to lose weight in a healthy fashion.
Plus, I will buy more organic, Non-GMO food products, and increase our daily intake of fruit and veggies. I will try not to skip meals, especially breakfast, and to avoid indulging in big meals.
Resolution #2: To have more quality family time.
To keep my family happy is also of great importance to me as a mom and wife. I felt guilty when I had iPad or TV set babysit my kids so that I could concentrate and get stuff done. In the new year, I'm determined to squeeze more time to play and learn with my kids, to chat and cuddle with hubby, to engage in more fun activities with the rest of my family. This means I will not only limit my children's screen time but also to limit that of my own. I've already managed to stay "unplugged" for a longer time each day since the end of last year. I will continue to make the best out of that newly available family time and turn it into valuable experiences and sweet memories.
Resolution #3: To be more physically and socially active.
As I became more dependent on my computer and the Internet, my lifestyle turned more sedentary. My husband and my boys are far more physically active than I am. To keep up with the rest of my family, I resolve to exercise more regularly in 2014. I've started with committing to a 30-minute brisk walk every day and I will gradually add more intensive forms of workout as I develop my new routine.
My circle of friends has significantly changed over the years. Now that my older son is in elementary school, it opens up some whole new ways to connect with other parents and to get involved in community events. I will take advantage of this opportunity to make new friends and to enrich my social life offline.
A letter to my future self:
You can hardly imagine how eager I am to "meet" you, the more amazing version of me, who looks younger, more energetic, and who is a lovelier woman, mom and wife.
I see you have tremendous fun with your children, who have grown taller, stronger, and who wear even brighter smiles on their faces.
I see you and hubby walk hand in hand toward your common goal of building a happy family and achieving financial freedom.
I see you chat and laugh with your friends at a party that helps bring more educational programs to the school district.
Please cheer me up as I am working hard to get closer to YOU!
Disclosure: I free products to facilitate my posting. No monetary exchange took place. All views and opinions expressed are my own.

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