Today Groupizo launched their Pin to Win Design Contest, which offers you the opportunity to win real big cash! Groupizo events have produced anywhere from $100-$1200 in profits for the designer.
To enter, all you have to do is find or create a design, and pin with the hashtag #GroupizoDC. The winning design – the one with the most likes and repins will be sold using Groupizo. The winner will take home all the profits!!!
About the Sponsor:
With Groupizo, everyone is a designer. Groupizo is the only multipurpose design and sell platform online. It’s ideal not only for fundraising and nonprofits, but also for group leaders, budding designers, artists, and people who like to wear cool custom T-shirts. The opportunities are endless! When you create a Groupizo event, you design a custom T-shirt, hoodie, hat, or other apparel item, set the selling price above the cost to produce, and we send you a check for the difference. (A.K.A. your profits!) Since everyone who orders pays individually, you never have to collect money or carry inventory. This makes Groupizo the perfect custom apparel solution for school groups, spiritwear, fundraisers, and testing out your skills as a fashion designer.
Contest Rules
1. To enter, pin the design you would like to see on a T-shirt with the hashtag #GroupizoDC. #GroupizoDC entries will be repinned to Customizo’s Groupizo Design Contest pinboard daily. The contest runs January 17 through January 31, 2014.
2. Licensed or otherwise copyrighted designs for which official paperwork stating permission of use cannot be obtained will not be accepted and will be deleted from the Pinboard. Example: Blackhawks logo, Disney princesses.
3. You may enter as many times as you wish.
4. Winner will be chosen from overall popularity the design with the greatest number of likes and repins. Share contest details with friends and family to make sure your pin wins!
5. The winning design will be sold on tshirts through an event on The event will run for 14 days.
6. The winner will receive a check with their profits 15 business days after the close of the event.
For more details and contest rules visit
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Review Wire Media and Groupizo. All views and opinions with regard to Customizo or the company are my own and were not influenced by the company.

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