Hell Town Book Blast Giveaway: $100 Amazon Gift Card!
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Hell Town Book Blast Giveaway: $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Hell Town by R. Nightshade is set to be released today, just in time for the Halloween. Nothing like the old timer TV show with the same name, the book unravels a story of horror in an abandoned opera house in small town Ohio. Learn more about the book and join the author in the celebration of this new release with a $100 Amazon gift card giveaway!

Hell Town Book Blast
Hell Town
Members of a paranormal reality show and the small town they investigate become victims of a deadly demon, awaken by a seemingly harmless board game. Will the TV ghost hunters be able to stop the demon and close the portal to Hell, or will they make a fatal mistake that seals the town’s fate?

About the Author

R. Nightshade lives in Hillsboro, Ohio, and is excited to be the fascinating new name in horror storytelling. Her philosophy is that while monsters and bloody ax murderers are fine, truly horrifying stories come from scenarios that could very well be real. Nightshade's works will include stories of the paranormal, and the ever-waging battle between good and evil on Earth. And, she promises to throw in some monsters because they are, after all, the classic staple of American horror.

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One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Giveaway ends on 10/18. Open worldwide. Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. icefairy's Treasure Chest is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

75 Treasure Hunters :

Danielle said...

I don't watch horror movies or listen to horror stories so I haven'r been kept awake at night by one for quite some time.

Denise G said...

I haven't read a good horror story in a very long time. The last one was IT.

ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

NenaS said...

I read House at the End of the Street by Lily Blake and it kept me awake more than one night!

Unknown said...

Most recently I have been reading about Americas most haunted houses. True life can be the worst!


eclairre said...

nothing recently, but the scariest movie I ever saw was chucky. so freaky.

Tara said...

The Marbury Lens!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

tragedy6996 said...

Sorry Horror stories dont keep me up at night :( I am the weirdo who even watches ID to fall asleep

Gina Alfani said...


gift card printing said...

Captivating card with lucrative offer makes it worthy....

bromleylisa27 said...

luv to win it!

Angela said...

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

tawndam said...

I honestly have not recently found a horror story that was that 'watch over my shoulder' bad

Alexandru Rusu said...

Jack Frost

kymom13 said...

I don't do horror stories as the last one from 20 years ago STILL freaks me out. It was about a wiji board and a murderer gets through! Makes me shiver even now!!

FrangiePani said...

I don't kept track of horror stories. Other things keep me up at night.

Lori said...

I don't watch scary movies anymore. But when I did it was Friday the 13th!

MissMannah said...

I recently reread The Shining and it still scares me!

jmajor4870 said...

a woman in the lake

Unknown said...

The woman in black

Anonymous said...

I recently re-watched The Exorcist.


ann said...

I dont like to watch horror movies because they DO keep me awake and have bad dreams

Holly Hennessy Swint said...

I don't read horror stories because they do keep me from sleeping and I already have issues with that! LOL

Bethany C. said...

I haven't read any horror recently, but the ghosts in Stacia Kane's first Downside Ghosts book scared me.

judi said...

I don't read horror and it's been a long time since I've seen any horror on the screen but I recently read a book about human trafficking that kept me up at night.

Jenn Hiles said...

I watched the skeleton key the a couple weeks ago and I still have weird dreams about it!

Michelle Spayde said...

Horror stories don't bother me enough to keep me up at night, but the news sometimes does!

Unknown said...

I started doing a lot of reading on the Glensheen Mansion in Minnesota, kept me up with how creepy it was!

HarleyC said...

The Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill!

Anonymous said...

I made a mistake and watched "A Haunting" which is not a horror movie, but a TV show!! The family's dog knew something was wrong, and would freak out then things started to get worse, and I should not have watched it!!!! It DID make me jumpy, and gave me bad dreams!!!!

Jonathan Baker said...

The horror story that kept me awake was about a couple who recently bought a house that had previously been used to cook meth and had no recourse to get their money back :(

petchk79 said...

I don't read horror stories, so none :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like anything with zombies.
rierie11booger (@) yahoo.com

virgomomwriter said...

The fear of nightmares and hot flashes keeps me up at night.

sandra d said...

the wrong turn always creeps me out

BowieTip said...

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. His novel on the modern horror known as serial murder kept my brain agitated, hence I was awake all night.

Hope to win.


David Hollingsworth said...

This is isn't a horror story, per se. but it is certainly horrific. I heard about a gay man being killed, and dismembered. It just goes to show that we still have to live in fear every day.


Anonymous said...

Real life keeps me awake

Chris M said...

Wizard of OZ...reminded me about flying monkeys from movie...creepy

Jen Haile said...

On Demon Wings

Unknown said...

nothing recently, don't usually keep me awake

Anonymous said...

story of horror for Halloween

Sara said...

Woman in Black..aahhh!

Brooke Adametz said...

I turned into such a baby once I became a parent, so I don't read many scary stories anymore, but I did read a lot of R.L Stein books when I was a teenager that kept me up at night!

Sara said...

The classic Poem The Raven has kept me awake at night!

PAIGE said...

The Amytiville Horror keeps me wide awake. BOO

Unknown said...

The movie IT scared the crap out of me - I hate clowns now.

Mary M said...

My favorite horror story is Sweeney Todd!

lokigsd said...

The death of Big Bird!

woodytobiasjr said...

The Cell

Christy Maurer said...

Ashes by Ilsa Bick!

wigget said...

we recently saw one of the saw movies

fdigsby said...



Myshadowstalksu said...

Probably Frankenstein. I read that a while ago now, but it kept me awake at night, not with fear, but just wondering about the story (: Thanks !

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

big foot always scares me
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Anissa said...

I try not to read too much Horror so I don't lay awake at night, but the last one was Turn of the Screw. It's old school but you don't need gore to plant fear.

BeckyM said...

I watched part of Friday the 13th!

Unknown said...

none, I steer away from horror in all shapes and forms.

Jennifer T. said...

Watchers by Dean Koontz.

Andrew S said...

The warewolf

Unknown said...

I recently read a book called "The Dark Sacrament: Exorcism in Modern Ireland". I say read but I began it and read a single story. Scared the hell out of me.


Aunt Nonna said...

Anything that has been on Criminal Minds right before I go to bed. I think every thing on there is a HORROR story!

Domestic Diva said...

I avoid horror stories.

Phylicia Guthrie said...

I actually watched It recently and I am absolutly horrified of clowns. I thought maybe I could get over my fear but obviously not. I didnt sleep for days!!! I heard the book is even scarier!

Unknown said...

all scary movies!! yes im a wimp

Mary Hall said...

The horror story that kept me awake most recently was my increasing home owner's tax! Haha, just kidding. Actually, it's anything by Stephen King. His writing totally creeps me out and makes EVERY bump in the night seem Right There.

Unknown said...

My husband & I just went to see Sinister.... and I don't want to go to sleep!!! I know it's not a book... but still! ;)


Unknown said...

The movie, The Devil Inside, was really scary. Anything with exorcisms freak me out.

Unknown said...

Snow white and the Huntsman

BLHmistress said...

Nothing recently but I remember first time I watched Carrie by Stephen King it scared me so badly that I couldn't sleep without checking everywhere in my bedroom at least twice.

posting as BLHmistress but signed in on rafflecopter as Dawna Newman

MN Amy said...

Perfect timing for Halloween!!

Miki said...

Definitely "Inland Empire".


Unknown said...

The Halloween movies scare me.

Mona said...

Actually an Egyptian horror series called Doors of Fear.. It was really creepy :)

Unknown said...

I can't think of a horror story that has kept me awake at night, although I do love reading them. Exhaustion from 5 kids has me sleeping like a rock, no matter what book I am currently reading. lol

Denise S. said...

A litter girl kidnapped and killed recently in my state.

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