EverydayFamily.com is completely free to join. Information is conveniently sorted by such topics as preconception, pregnancy, baby, toddler, and parenting. Each general topic is further divided into sub-categories for easier browsing. There is also the option to search for a specific subject that is of interest to you. By creating an account, you can customize your own portal, connect with other members in the community, and participate in forum discussions. You will also have access to baby freebies and printable grocery coupons. Another fun thing to do at EverydayFamily is to enter free contests and sweepstakes!
EverydayFamilyTV is newly launched feature on EverydayFamily.com. To celebrate, EverydayFamily and Snapfish have teamed up on a fun treasure hunt. By finding clues hidden in EFTV videos and on the website, you will be eligible to win weekly Snapfish prizes as well as the Grand Prize of $1500 Snapfish gift certificate! There's also a contest element involved. The first player to find all 9 clues will receive a $500 gift certificate while everyone who finds all the clues will get a free 5x7 photo book. The treasure hunt will end on 10/19. Join in the fun now and start winning!

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