1. $200 Have It Your Way Giveaway 9/20-10/20
Free Facebook link with blog post. Additional links $2-$3 each. Co-host spot $10 each. Fill out the signup form here.
2. Monthly Glass Handbag Giveaway (Valued up to $1000) 9/15-10/15
Free Facebook link with blog post. Additional links $2-$3 each. Co-host spot $10 each. Non-publisher $20 for 2 links. Fill out the signup form here.
Events hosted by other blogs:
3. $100 Shopbop Gift Card 8/23-9/1
Free FB link with blog post. Additional links $1 each. Co-host spot $5 each. Sign up here.
4. Kindle Fire or $200 PayPal Cash 8/24-9/14
Free FB or Twitter link. Second link $3. Follow page hosting $10 each. Co-host: $25 each. Sign up here and put "icefairy's Treasure Chest" in the Who Referred You? field. Thank you!
5. Bodygroom Pro by Philips Norelco (ERV $69.99)
This free giveaway opportunity is sponsored by Philips Norelco and TheButterflyMom.com. For your posting the giveaway event announcement on your blog and the giveaway html when it goes live you will get 1 free Rafflecopter entry link to either your Facebook page or Twitter AND 1 free back link to your blog in the giveaway post!
I am only taking the first 25 bloggers who sign up so act now and fill out the form below!
Here is the information you need to know about the giveaway:
Giveaway Prize:
The giveaway winner will receive (1) Bodygroom Pro by Philips Norelco (ERV $69.99)
The giveaway will run from August 24th-September 2nd, 2012
Bloggers participating in the event will receive the HTML for the post by August 23rd, 2012.
Giveaway Entry Rules:
Entrants must be 18 or older and U.S. Residents
Blogger Event Signup Form:
I'll update with more later.

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