Jardine Foods Make Your Summer Sizzle Giveaway
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Jardine Foods Make Your Summer Sizzle Giveaway

Jardine Foods just launched a Make Your Summer Sizzle Giveaway on Facebook. You could win a Weber Grill with an Omaha Steak Package and their world famous Jardine BBQ sauces by completing a very easy virtual scavenger hunt. In fact, I've located the answer for you here. Giveaway ends on July 4th at noon CDT. Good luck!

Along with the giveaway, you can receive a $.50 coupon off any Jardine's Salsa and a $1.00 off any Jardine's BBQ sauce for sharing the first coupon!

Disclosure: By sharing this giveaway, I'm entered to win a prize. No monetary exchange took place.

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