Guest Post: The Ombre Hair Trend: 3 Tidbits to Know Before Implementing Ombre Hues into Your Tresses
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Guest Post: The Ombre Hair Trend: 3 Tidbits to Know Before Implementing Ombre Hues into Your Tresses

This is a guest post provided by Perfect Locks.

Even though ombre hair is trendy and gorgeous looking, there are a few things you need to know prior to dip dying your hair or embracing bright colors such as pink or even teal! This trend evolved from women simply being too lazy to touch up their roots to a via-la-glam bright and fun trend! Now ombre is being seen everywhere and it’s a fun trend that’s impossible not to embrace, or at least try in your own hair if you like this glam-tastic look.

Ombre Doesn’t Have to Be Just One Color

Yes, there are many celebs who have embraced just one shade of ombre, but did you know that ombre can consist of one to three different shades of color? One to three different colors (think of rainbow hair) will definitely create an ombre effect; it just really depends on the look you want to achieve. When it’s warmer outside it’s a good idea to plan on lighter and vibrant shades for your locks and during the winter months you might want to go for more ash tones. But – who says you can’t have hot pink ombre during the fall and winter time? So you see – it all depends on how inventive you are and how much fun you’re willing to have with this fashionable hair trend.

Embrace Ombre Colors that Complement your Current Tresses!

If you have dark chocolate hair, look for coppers, deep reds, and even cool ash tones that will make a perfect ombre blend. If you are a fair maiden, look for subdued blondes, gold caramel and ahs tones that will brighten up your skin tone and add some instant warmth. Last, if your have caramel locks, you’ll want to incorporate copper tones, light hues such as violet, and rich brows are also another option. Also, if you’re hesitant to dye your own hair you can always embrace hair extensions which are easy to take out 2-3 months later. Just reading over all of the color and hair options you should be excited already to get your ombre hairdo’ done!

Consult a Professional for Best Ombre Hair Results

Yes, there are plenty of DIYs on the internet and on Pinterest, but for best results it’s a good idea to consult a professional hair dresser prior to getting your hair done with bright ombre hues (or lighter tones too)! You will NOT be able to achieve this look on your own unless you’ve practiced and it wouldn’t be fun to be stuck with hot pink in your hair that’s in a shade that’s not very appealing. So – it’s best to visit a professional hair establishment prior to dying your tresses. Plus, calling ahead and letting them know what colors you have in mind will help them plan ahead of time so they can order the colors or start mixing up the right shades. Your hair is going to look ombre fantastic!

About the AuthorPerfect Locks is a web site that offers a variety of Indian hair extensions and more that would work perfectly with ombre! Learn more about Perfect Locks by stopping by their About Me section on their site and don’t forget to check out their Facebook and Twitter page as well.

1 Treasure Hunters :

Sierra said...

Thanks so much for the guest post opportunity!

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