The contest is free and easy to enter. Simply register your information now at Murphy USA and you will be notified by email when brackets are filled on March 13. You will have until March 15 at 6 pm EST to make your picks. Participants will earn points by correctly predicting the winning team in each game of the Tournament. The participant with the highest total number of points in each of these four regions will be the grand prize winners. In addition, smaller prizes may also be awarded to point leaders after each round.
The contest is open to everyone. Even if you are not a basket fan, you may try your luck in winning one of the prizes by making intuitive guesses. You do need to live in one of Murphy USA's serving states to be eligible, but this simply means better odds at winning for those who participate! Register for your chance to win today and good luck!

1 Treasure Hunters :
New follower. When you get the chance please follow me baclk..
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