New Look Giveaway #5: Rada Pro Nail Station 3 Winners
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New Look Giveaway #5: Rada Pro Nail Station 3 Winners

~~The giveaway is now CLOSED~~
Have you ever imagined getting a professional style manicure at home? Rada Pro can help you achieve this easily with their patent pending Nail Station. Rada Pro is "a team of a Spa and Nail Salon professional and an inventor in the field of mechanical engineering." The company specializes in ergonomic tools and accessories for SPA and Nail Salon professionals as well as consumers.
Thanks to Lisa at It's A Glam Thing, I had the opportunity to try out this innovative product. The Rada Pro Nail Station consists of three major parts: Hand and Foot Stand, Accessory Tray and Polish Holder. It also comes with a pump bottle for polish remover. The assembly is easy and straightforward.

The Hand and Foot Stand is self-adjusting to support fingers and toes in the most comfortable position. It comes with two removable, washable slip covers, made of 100% cotton terry-cloth. Since the Nail Station can be used for both manicure and pedicure, it's great to have one separate cover for each procedure. Nail polishing had been a messy business for me. I often have trouble keeping my hand stable and invariably got polish on my cuticles. That's why the Hand and Foot Stand is my favorite feature of the Nail Station. It significantly reduces nail polish spillovers and makes it easier to let the polish dry.

The Accessory Tray is designed to hold all that you need for a manicure, such as polish remover, extra polish, nail files, cotton balls, and other implements. The tray swivels all the way around the center piece and can be easily adjusted to the most convenient position. It helps keep your supplies organized in one place and within easy reach.

The Polish Holder can be swiveled and tilted to the right angle. It leaves your hands free for a faster touch-up. Both the Accessory Tray and the Polish Holder can be completely removed, if needed.

You may purchase this Nail Station for only $24.99 at Rada Pro. It's an awesome time and money saver for those who love to beautify their fingers and toes.

The Giveaway
The nice people from Rada Pro have generously offered to give not only one, but three of my lucky readers their very own Rada Pro Nail Station! That's a $75 value in total! Who wouldn't long for such a wonderful gift!

Required Entry: Visit Rada Pro and leave a comment telling me another product besides the Nail Station that you'd like to try. (Please leave a valid email address in your comment or make sure one is visible in your blogger profile).

Extra Entries (optional): please make sure you do the required entry first! Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry, i.e. 1 comment=1 entry.
  • NEW! Vote for me and tell me my vote count after you vote (5 extra entries)
  • Enter this giveaway by 10/2 (1 extra entry)
  • Follow my blog publicly (1 extra entry)
  • Subscribe to my feed via email and leave your email address (1 extra entry) .
  • Follow Me on Twitter AND tweet the following message (1 extra entry per day) Yes! You may tweet once daily to increase your chances:
RT @luckytoddler Beauty giveaway! Win a cool Rada Pro Nail Station! 3 winners! #manicure #nailpolish #giveaway
Please leave the link to your tweet in your comment.
  • Enter the EyeGlass Necklace giveaway by 10/10 (1 extra entry)
  • Become my fan on Facebook and leave your name (1 extra entry)
  • Grab my button and tell me where to find it (1 extra entry)
  • Add icefairy's Treasure Chest to your blogroll and leave the link (1 extra entry)
  • Fave me on Technorati and leave your user name (1 extra entry)
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to Rada Pro and Me, and leave the link in your comment (1 extra entry for mentioning this giveaway on your blog; 3 extra entries for a separate blog post).
  • Include the following text on your blog Win over $1,000 prizes at icefairy's Treasure Chest and link back (1 extra entry)
Giveaway ends at 11:59 Central Time on 10/14/09
Open to US Residents Only!
Winner will be chosen using and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Thanks for entering and good luck!

312 Treasure Hunters :

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Shooting Stars Mag said... 1

It's not available yet, but this looks awesome:

Bracelet Assistant

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Anonymous said... 2

Ergonomic Pedicure File is nice!
sunela at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 3

follow publicly
sunela at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 4

entered EyeGlass Necklace giveaway
sunela at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 5

fav on Technorati (sunela)
sunela at gmail dot com

CathyH said... 6

So many time I run for help to put on a bracelet so the Bracelet Assistant looks handy!

CathyH said... 7

i follow your blog :)

Catherine said... 8

The Ergonomic Pedicure looks great!

Catherine said... 9

blog follower

Blessed Mommy said... 10

I like the Ergonomic Pedicure File, cool idea!

Tiffany said... 11

the pedicure filer looks awesome. No more rough feet!

Tiffany said... 12

fbook fan
tiffy green

Melissa said... 13

The Ergonomic pedicure file
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com

Melissa said... 14

I am a subscriber!
dauphin55 at hotmail dot com

Mysharona said... 15

I want the pedicure filer.

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 16

main entry: I like the Bracelet Assistant my daughter would love ither one, thanks!

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 17

I Entered this giveaway on 10/2 for my (1 extra entry) thanks my daughter would love this item!

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 18

I Follow your blog publicly as J.Cutshaw on google friends connect

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 19

I Subscribe to your feed via email

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 20

I Follow you on Twitter AND tweeted the following message THANK YOU!
itsallnew2me RT @luckytoddler Beauty giveaway! Win a cool Rada Pro Nail Station! 3 winners! #manicure #nailpolish #giveaway

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 21

I am a fan of yours on facebook

Mamawj's Moment Away said... 22

I also entered your giveaway on they New Look Giveaway #4: EyeGlass Necklace I entered on 10/2 both are great giveaways thanks!

heyhazelhazel said... 23

I'd love to try the Bracelet Assistant

lmurley2000 said... 24

i would love to have the braclet assistant

lmurley2000 said... 25

follow your blog

Linda Kish said... 26

I would love the bracelet assistant if it was available

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said... 27

I entered the Eyeglass necklace giveaway

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Seni said... 28

The Bracelet Assistant looks handy. :)

reflejo-del-alma (at) hotmail (dot) com

denyse said... 29

The Ergonomic Pedicure File looks cool.

stacey dempsey said... 30

The Ergonomic Pedicure File is nice
roswello athotmail dot com

stacey dempsey said... 31

i subscribe via email

roswello athotmail dot com

stacey dempsey said... 32

i follow
roswello athotmail dot com

stacey dempsey said... 33

i follow on twitter and tweeted @roswello

roswello athotmail dot com

stacey dempsey said... 34

i have your button here

littlelatina said... 35

super great

tatertot374 said... 36

I really like the Ergonomic Pedicure File that is coming soon
Thank you

moushka said... 37

I also like the Bracelet Assistant.

moushka said... 38


redfuzzycow said... 39

the ergonomic pedicure file looks fun to try, i can never get my hand around other... feet files? is that what they're called...

redfuzzycow said... 40

i tweeted about the giveaway

clc408 said... 41

The Bracelet Assistant looks ingenious. Thanks!

stacey dempsey said... 42

daily tweet
roswello athotmail dot com

Ingrid said... 43

I would like to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File.

Ingrid said... 44

I follow you publicly on Google.

Anonymous said... 45

I would love to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File . My feet could definitely use it!

Ladytink_534 said... 46

My favorite item is the Manicure Station

Ladytink_534 said... 47

I'm a follower

Ladytink_534 said... 48

Email subscriber

Ladytink_534 said... 49

Facebook fan J. Lalley

Peggy said... 50

I also like the Ergonomic Pedicure File

Peggy said... 51

Follow blog publicly

Peggy said... 52

Subscribe to feed via email

Peggy said... 53

Follow and a tweet

Peggy said... 54

Entered the EyeGlass Necklace giveaway

Peggy said... 55

fan on Facebook
Peggy Gorman

Peggy said... 56

Faved on Technorati

Anonymous said... 57

I would love to try the ergonomic pedicure file. Looks awesome!

Anonymous said... 58

I'm a subscriber. :D

BargainFun said... 59

i really want the bracelet assistant !

BargainFun said... 60

i subscribe

Erin from Long Island said... 61

i would like the pedicure file

Chacoy said... 62

I would love to have the Plastic Pump Bottle, it would be so much easier then stopping,opening the bottle and adding polish remover, you all know what I am talking about!

Chacoy said... 63

subscribed via email!

Chacoy said... 64

Follow Publicly:)

the brown couch said... 65

Manicure Station

comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

Michigan Addy Ready

Terra Heck said... 66

I'd like to try the Bracelet Assistant. Thanks.

Terra Heck said... 67

I follow your blog.

Terra Heck said... 68

email subscriber

Maude Lynn said... 69

I would love to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File!

Unknown said... 70

I'd like to try the bracelet assistant :)

da_angel_321 at

Unknown said... 71

I'm a follower

Chrissyb said... 72

I also like the Bracelet Assistant. It would help when my hubby isn't around.

Chrissyb said... 73

Im a blog follower.transamws602(at)yahoo(dot)com

Chrissyb said... 74

Im a subscriber.transamws602(at)yahoo(dot)com

stacey dempsey said... 75

here it says US only but in the email it said US?CANADA so i am entering but not sure which one is right?
roswello athotmail dot com

ehhogan said... 76

I'd like the Ergonomic Pedicure File when it becomes available

ehhogan at

dymphna said... 77

i like the pedicure file
deefna at gmail dot com

dymphna said... 78

i am following your blog
deefna at gmail dot com

joeandbridge said... 79

I'd like to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File. Thanks for the giveaway.
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 80

I follow your blog publicly. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 81

I subscribe to your email feeds. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 82

I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted your giveaway. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
Twitter id: joeandbridge

joeandbridge said... 83

I entered the Eyeglass Necklace Giveaway. Thanks
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said... 84

I am a Facebook Fan. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
FB Name: bridgette.groshen

joeandbridge said... 85

You're a fave on Technorati. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
Tech id: joeandbridge

Tamara said... 86

I could DEFINITELTY use the "Enter the EyeGlass Necklace giveaway"

Tamara said... 87

I follow publicly

Anonymous said... 88

I would like to try the Ergonomic Pedicure file when it comes out.
gourdsrmylife at yahoo dot com
Marj M.

Anonymous said... 89

I subscribe via email.
gourdsrmylife at yahoo dot com
Marj M.

Allegro said... 90



Angela said... 91

Ergonomic Pedicure File is just what I need after a summer of flip flops.

Angela said... 92

I am a subscriber

Nelsby said... 93

I would also love to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said... 94

I am publicly following your blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said... 95

I subscribe to your blog feed via email.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said... 96

I am following you on Twitter AND I Tweeted about this giveaway:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said... 97

I am a Facebook fan (Aimee Waerhouse).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said... 98

I faved your blog on Technorati (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Mllbs3 said... 99

I really liked the Bracelet Assistant.


stacey dempsey said... 100

daily tweet
roswello athotmail dot com

1wickedwitch2 said... 101

I like the Pedicure File!

1wickedwitch2 said... 102

I follow you on twitter. 1wickedwitch2

1wickedwitch2 said... 103


1wickedwitch2 said... 104

I follow your blog. 1wickedwitch2

1wickedwitch2 said... 105

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1wickedwitch2 said... 106

I have your button. Right Sidebar

1wickedwitch2 said... 107

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1wickedwitch2 said... 108

Voted #9. 1

1wickedwitch2 said... 109

Voted #9. 2

1wickedwitch2 said... 110

Voted #9. 3

1wickedwitch2 said... 111

Voted #9. 3

1wickedwitch2 said... 112

Voted #9. 4

1wickedwitch2 said... 113

Voted #9. 5

Wendi P said... 114

I could really use the Bracelet Assistant!! No more fumbling and wasting time trying to secure my bracelets :-)

parodi821 at yahoo dot com

Wendi P said... 115

I voted and my vote was number 13

Wendi P said... 116

I voted and my vote was number 13

Wendi P said... 117

I voted and my vote was number 13

Wendi P said... 118

I voted and my vote was number 13

Wendi P said... 119

I voted and my vote was number 13

Wendi P said... 120

I follow publicly.

Hotsnotty2 said... 121

I would also love to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File, thanks!

Natalie said... 122

I would like to try the manicure station

Natalie said... 123

follow blog

Natalie said... 124

follow and tweeted:

Natalie said... 125

became facebook fan: Natalie Covarrubias

redfuzzycow said... 126

daily tweet

Nelsby said... 127

Daily Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 128

I would also love to try the Ergonomic Pedicure File.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 129

I have voted for you and your vote count is 22
Entry #1

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 130

I have voted for you and your vote count is 22
Entry #2

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 131

I have voted for you and your vote count is 22
Entry #3

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 132

I have voted for you and your vote count is 22
Entry #4

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 133

I have voted for you and your vote count is 22
Entry #5

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 134

I am following via Google Friends Connect.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 135

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 136

I am a fan on Facebook as Jill Myrick

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 137

I have favored your blog on Technorati as jsc123.

amy said... 138

I really like the bracelet assistant, thanks,

amy said... 139

I voted for u and u had 10 votes at that time, thanks,

amy said... 140

I voted for u and u had 10 votes, thanks,

amy said... 141

I voted for u and u had 10 votes, thanks,

amy said... 142

I voted for u and u had 10 votes, thanks,

amy said... 143

I voted for u and u had 10 votes, thanks,

amy said... 144

I subscribe by email to ur blog, I really like it, Thanks,

amy said... 145

I became a fan of yours on facebook, Thanks,

amy said... 146

I entered the Eyeglass necklace giveaway, Hope I win. thanks,

tannawings said... 147

The bracelet assistant is very clever!

baypayments at yahoo dot com

Abby said... 148

That things that helps you put a bracelet on looks awesome!

ajcmeyer at go dot com

stacey dempsey said... 149

roswello athotmail dot com

sweetsue said... 150

I love the Bracelet Assistant. I hardly ever wear bracelets because I need a second pair of hands to put one on.How cool!
smchester at gmail dot com

rona said... 151

I love the polish holder >.< too many times have I smeared my nails because I had to use the other hand to hold the bottle :-\

awesome giveaway!! :)

Rona said... 152

I voted and my vote number was number 38!

:) :) :)

redfuzzycow said... 153

daily tweet

gracepap said... 154

The ergonomic pedicure file looks great. My feet could really use one. Thanks for the giveaway! Following on Twitter.

Nelsby said... 155

Daily Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Tara Swadley said... 156

The pedicure file looks better shaped than some of the ones I've seen.

Natalie said... 157

Daily tweet:

Tara Swadley said... 158

subscribed via e-mail as

Tara Swadley said... 159

Following blog

Tara Swadley said... 160

Facebook fan of you as Tara S.

CMC said... 161

I'd love the Ergonomic Pedicure File

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

CMC said... 162

I'm an e-mail subscriber

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

CMC said... 163

I entered the Eyeglass Necklass giveaway

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

CMC said... 164

Follow on Twitter and tweeted:

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

Bonita12 said... 165

I would also try the Ergonomic Pedicure File.

bwalker1123 at gmail dot com

Bonita12 said... 166


Bonita12 said... 167

blog follower

Bonita12 said... 168

I voted for you #50 - 1

Bonita12 said... 169

I voted for you #50 - 2

Bonita12 said... 170

I voted for you #50 - 3

Bonita12 said... 171

I voted for you #50 - 4

Bonita12 said... 172

I voted for you #50 - 5

lmurley2000 said... 173

daily tweet

redfuzzycow said... 174

i voted for you at divine caroline, vote count 47 #1

redfuzzycow said... 175

i voted for you at divine caroline, vote count 47 #2

redfuzzycow said... 176

i voted for you at divine caroline, vote count 47 #3

redfuzzycow said... 177

i voted for you at divine caroline, vote count 47 #4

redfuzzycow said... 178

i voted for you at divine caroline, vote count 47 #5

redfuzzycow said... 179

i follow your blog publicly through google friend connect (redfuzzycow)

redfuzzycow said... 180

i subscribe to your feed via email (

redfuzzycow said... 181

i'm a facebook fan of yours (jen reda)

joeandbridge said... 182

**Daily Tweet**

Michelle said... 183

The Bracelet Assistant looks very helpful!Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle said... 184

Facebook fan:Michelle Chappell

lmurley2000 said... 185

daily tweet

Tara Swadley said... 186

Voted for you. You have 56 votes!


Tara Swadley said... 187

Voted for you. You have 56 votes!


Tara Swadley said... 188

Voted for you. You have 56 votes!


Tara Swadley said... 189

Voted for you. You have 56 votes!


Tara Swadley said... 190

Voted for you. You have 56 votes!


Tara Swadley said... 191

Following you and tweeted:

Nelsby said... 192

Daily Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

redfuzzycow said... 193

daily tweet

ossmcalc said... 194

I like the ergonomic pedicure file.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 195

Entry 1

I was the 59th person to vote for you.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 196

Entry 2

I was the 59th person to vote for you.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 197

Entry 3

I was the 59th person to vote for you.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 198

Entry 4

I was the 59th person to vote for you.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 199

Entry 5

I was the 59th person to vote for you.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said... 200

I follow your blog publicly.

Thank you,


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