One important way to enhance your online shopping experience is to comparison shop for the best deal. You may wonder what tools are available for you to compare prices across the multitudes of online stores. I would suggest Pebble.com as a good place to start.
Pebble.com is a new search-based online shopping comparison site with a Q&A forum integrated in each product results page. It not only helps you find the lowest prices, but also provides a platform through which users may ask questions about specific products and get answers that will help inform their purchasing decisions. I love that navigation on the site is very simple and straightforward. Most search results are relevant and useful. And there aren't a lot of ads to filter through.
Since I'm giving away a PlasmaCar right now, I'd like to show you how Pebble.com can help you locate the best store to buy a PlasmaCar.
1. Let's start with the homepage of Pebble.com

3. Scroll down to the lower portion of the search results page and you'll see pricing information for the product you'd like to buy. The lowest priced item is placed on top of the list and clearly marked with a green symbol. Stores that sell the same model or color of PlasmaCar are grouped together and only the lowest price is shown for each entry.

4. Click on the blue "Compare Prices" button to get more details about the product and stores that carry it.

The store with the lowest price is clearly marked and you can now click on the "Go To Store" button to start shopping! Easy steps to take to shop smart, right?
In order to double check if Pebble.com does find the lowest price, I also did a search on other comparative shopping sites I've been using, like pricegrabber.com and bizrate.com. Guess what? Pebble.com turned out to have the best and most comprehensive search results. Kudos to Pebble.com!
To be honest, I wouldn't suggest you substituting your prior comparison shopping tools completely with Pebble.com. Rather, it's best used in conjunction with the other sites. You will more likely get the best deal by comparing search results from different comparative shopping sites. Compare, compare, and compare. Happy shopping!

1 Treasure Hunters :
BTW The purple in the template of your blog is exactly the same shade that my bedroom walls were when I was young...LOVE IT!
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